First i must agree with fits absolutely great with MW and combined with LCV it makes the cities look really alive. BUT i have a small(or big, do not know yet.

) problem that so far appears to be related with NPC additions. At first i only got these warnings:
Unable to find referenced object "Rararyn Radarys" in script SC_Balmora1_1.Unable to find referenced object "Rararyn Radarys" in script SC_Balmora1_2.Unable to find referenced object "Rararyn Radarys" in script SC_Balmora1_3.Unable to find referenced object "Rararyn Radarys" in script SC_Balmora1_4.
I get those warnings every time i load a savegame to start playing MW, and usually i just use AllowYesToAll to get rid of those warnings quickly just as everyone else. Till today i did not know which mod could be causing this warning, but i thought lets ask anyway here. Now to my surprise the warnings.txt now showed this:
Spoiler Unable to find referenced object "Rararyn Radarys" in script SC_Balmora1_1.
Unable to find referenced object "Rararyn Radarys" in script SC_Balmora1_2.
Unable to find referenced object "Rararyn Radarys" in script SC_Balmora1_3.
Unable to find referenced object "Rararyn Radarys" in script SC_Balmora1_4.
Script Dialogue CompileAndRun
Object/Script ID (rararyn radarys) not found in postfix on line 57.
==>CompileAndRun problem was found in Voice "Hello"
Script StarfireNPCA_day
Object/Script ID (rararyn radarys) not found in postfix on line 57.
==>CompileAndRun problem was found in Voice "Hello"
Script Dialogue CompileAndRun
Object/Script ID (rararyn radarys) not found in postfix on line 57.
==>CompileAndRun problem was found in Voice "Hello"
Script nolore
Object/Script ID (rararyn radarys) not found in postfix on line 57.
==>CompileAndRun problem was found in Voice "Hello"
Script nolore
Object/Script ID (rararyn radarys) not found in postfix on line 57.
==>CompileAndRun problem was found in Voice "Hello"
Script Dialogue CompileAndRun
Object/Script ID (rararyn radarys) not found in postfix on line 57.
==>CompileAndRun problem was found in Voice "Hello"
Script nolore
Object/Script ID (rararyn radarys) not found in postfix on line 57.
==>CompileAndRun problem was found in Voice "Hello"
From what i know, Rararyn Radarys is a vanilla MW npc, so it could not be that StarFire forgot to add this NPC. Now i know absolutely nothing about scripting so i do not dare to start editting them. And i also can not seem to find these SC_Balmora scripts either. Have these problems been reported before, or is this a new one?
Incase my load order is needed:
Spoiler Masters for Assarnat0000.ess:
001 Morrowind.esm
002 Tribunal.esm
003 Bloodmoon.esm
004 Texture Fix 1.8.esm
005 Bloodmoon Landscape Overhaul 1.0.esm
006 The Undead.esm
007 Morrowind Patch v1.6.5-BETA.esm
008 Better Bodies.esp
009 Slof's Better Beasts b.esp
010 Neo's Unique Creatures.esp
011 Minions of House Dagoth.esp
012 Creatures.esp
013 DreadKnight.ESP
014 TheForgottenShields - Artifacts_NG.esp
015 Art Of War Museum.esp
016 _rb_Ravenloft_040504a.esp
017 TheBlackMill11.esp
018 acsSunsiBBShirt.esp
019 TBMWalkthrough.esp
020 The Sable Dragon 1.5.esp (Version 1.5)
021 TVwofs.esp
022 correctUV Ore Replacer 1.0.esp
023 dxm_metallic_signs.esp
024 Clean Glowing Atronachs.esp
025 NEDE v1.2.esp
026 Spect Sorcery pt 1.esp
027 RAMF_Mer_for_NPCs.esp
028 AIM_MW_TB_BM_1dot0.esp
029 BirthsignsAMFun_BM.esp
030 Balmora Expansion - LITE 1.0.esp
031 Starfires NPC Additions ver-1.11.esp
032 Antares' Big Mod 5.esp
033 Vurt's Ashlands Overhaul.esp
034 Vurt's Leafy West Gash.ESP
035 ring_teleport v2.2_Dubious.esp
036 NPC LCV Schedules 03.esp (Version 03-13)
037 Madd Leveler - Base.esp
038 Madd Leveler - Cap Remover.esp
039 Madd Leveler - Quest Cap Remover.esp
040 Madd Leveler - Madd Health.esp
041 TLM - Ambient Light + Fog Update.esp
042 TLM - Light Sources (Clearer Lighting).esp
043 TLM - NPC Light Sources.esp
044 TLM - Light Sources (Lanterns).esp
045 Lights_300_V4.esp
046 Expanded Sounds.esp
047 Merged_Objects.esp
048 Mashed Lists.esp