I can tell you its not Starfire's. All of Starfire's scripts, leveled lists, and NPC IDs start with "SF_".
It also does not modify or use any of the vanilla NPCs. Try checking Balmora Expanded and see if the scripts start with "SC_".
I did a google search and the error has come up before, but I couldn't find a solution or anyone who stated what mod was causing it.
No it appears it was not Balmora Expanded, just checked. But still thank you, it could have been considering how much Balmora Expanded adds.

I'm 90% certain that the "SC" is SCHedules. As in your, uh, scheduling mod.

Dunno what the fix is, though. Looks like Rararyn Radarys was yanked outta your game completely, and the game wants him back. If you don't care for him (he's not essential to any quests, ingame or modded, that I can think of), you could probably just comment out those lines in the scripts he's messing with.
Then now you can make that 100% sure.

Considering that i got that Script StarfireNPCA_day warning i suspected it was related to NPC Additions, good to see it was not...my apologies to StarFire.
The SC_Balmora scripts are indeed part of NPC LCV Schedules, i deleted the Rararyn entries in those scripts. Seeing as LCV places NPCs i can only assume that it does not mess with the things NPCs do in vanilla MW without LCV, so that Rararyn now still functions as is required. I no longer get those warnings, so thank you for pointing out the problem ESP.
