Btw: I have checked the construction set and have found no reason why the warriors would not have their curiass equiped. So I need your help, next time you see a warrior without a curiass can you firstly ask the npc their background to check they are not a barbarian and are infact a warrior. If they are a warrior without a curiass then could you please make a note of their name/race and post it here so I can look into it and fix whatever the problem might be.
Well, your old version, yeah. I have that one. But you're working on v2.0 or whatever it's going to be entitled, right?
Uhm, so far, the only unarmored NPCs I've seen were Heddvild in Balmora and Engar Ice-Mane from Skaal Village on Solstheim and Kunthar from Pelagiad. Those three so far are the only ones I've seen without chest armor. I actually made addons myself and put armor on them. I mean, it's only 3 NPCs. lol
Oh, when you update your file on PES, can you also include a link to Danae's Hold it addon? You're saying that his is slightly better than your Hold It plugin? Well, I'll take your word for it and use his.
Thanks for answering my question, by the way.