i've just stumbled across this mod, and haven't tried it yet, but most definitely will. what i'd like to know even before starting it is if you've stuck to the demographic data given in the vanilla - that is, 50% dark elves, 50% other? and also, a thing that greatly annoys me in MCA - there is a plethora of outlander nobles at every turn, which is wrong, since in vanilla it is clearly stated that the great houses don't accept outlanders easily. outlander nobles should only appear in pelagiad, caldera and ebonheart, and in small numbers - after all, if half the folks are nobles, and the other half a warrior of sort, who does the farming and cleaning jobs?
if you've been mindful of this, than i have no doubts this will be an excellent mod

EDIT: another idea. i haven't actually played TES 1 or 2, but as i understand it, almost every fraction had a dedicated military order. so, how about randomly spawning one of these knight-guys in the appropriate guild halls every once in a while? it's lore friendly, it would require just a few added dialogues, and wouldn't break the immersion. and, as an added bonus, it would explain just who these order of the lamp people are, that are so explicitly mentioned in the "origin of the mages guild" book.