I`ve been using this mod for some time now and I love it. It definitely makes Morrowind seem a bit more "lively" and crowded. However...thanks to Morrowind modding showcase, my mod load order has increased...substantially. This has come with great new quests and visuals but, sadly, FPS impact is noticeable.
So, I was wondering...how would I go about changing Starfires mod to reduce NPC spawn amount by, say...one half? I had a look at it with EE and it seems to be controlled via scripts. Now THAT is a real problem - the moment I see characters like : or ; or ( or > my brain goes into automatic shut down mode. Is there a fool/MacKom - proof way of changing the parameters and how would it be done? Just imagine you are explaining it to a 5 year old. With learning disability. On a sugar rush.