What reason do you have for locking several threads (I've counted 4 so far) about the latest patch? The version 1.2 patch (My console doesn't say v.1.2 in the top left conrer when playing C2) either hasn't been released for Xbox and you are just saying that it has in an attempt to be seen to be doing something, or you are entirely clueless as to the effectiveness of the patch in remediating the issues everyone is facing.
If you spent half the time in gathering information and then providing it to the forums as you do in locking threads about sensitive topics, that for the most part comment on your ineptitude, you would not have the level of anger that has been building up on these forums.
Clarification is needed, urgently. Honest and Open communication is needed. An apology over the issues and the blatantly incorrect patch notes would be appreciated. I have found that a large amount of the frustration on the forums and been borne out of the fact that you have done a very poor job in communicating with the consumers of your hastily released product. This is not harming my credibilty, it is harming yours.
So did the PS3 recieve a 40MB patch that brought their version of the game up to version 1.2? Because the 3MB patch we have recieved (which I doubt was compressed, or the correct patch) has not updated the version of the Xbox game. And if it was the correct patch, compressed and released by Microsoft, then let me tell you right now, it is not working in anyway near the manner you have said it should have, nor is it solving the list of problems you said it would.
In conclusion, I understand that you will more than likely close and lock this thread as well (just like all the other threads asking about the patch). But let me make this clear: THAT IS PATHETIC. If that should so happen, I will start by lodging my complaint to the Australian Office of Fair Trading (the Aussie version of Trading Standards), I will not only be lodging it for the multitude of issues found in this nearly finished product that has been released too early, but I will also be lodging one to deal with the poor-to-non-existent communication and support from your staff, you have either fabricated the information dealing with the latest patch, or you are without a clue as to what is going on. All I want is for you to tell US as much.
So, please provide, verified information clarifying the problems we are facing, and what you are doing to ensure that the information you recieve is correct. Without communication from you I will be forced to seek resoloution from another organisation, preferably one that can get me a full-price refund.
Thank You - MullPig, one of many disgruntled gamers.