Started a new character its a breton made to be a warrior

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:35 pm

so its sign is the warrior (increased endurance and strength) is clas is adventurer strength + speed

then its skills are:

Hand to Hand
light armour

(1st 4 are in order last 3 i was having trouble remembering so there prob out of order)

any way ive beaten the game before DLC still wont co-operate with me and im considering just selling the 2nd disc but im not sure if i can do that ...

what should i do with this char to keep the game interesting?

I would be playing the game right now but the TUT bored the crap out of me and im currently waiting for tekken 6 to install to my console ...

is it just me or were games from the Original X-box alot more fun once you beat the game to 98% completion than the games that are out for the 360 take morrwoind for examble beat that + the GOTY stuff even after having 98% completion id still be running around in that game for 14 days straight with oblivion the day i beat it I was like OMFG yes it is dead and then i went through game withdrawl for a while since i couldnt think of anything to play
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:34 am

Could it be that you aren't a role player?

I would suggest that you don't do many side quests, because there seem like a lot (but there aren't), but when the guilds are finished, they are all thats left and you seem like you are still diong your part without the game dying.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 11:41 am

ive beaten the game

See my sig.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:10 am

Unless you're planning to incorporate some wizardry into this character's routine, I'd question the choice of a Breton... Don't get me wrong, I actually have a personal bias *towards* Bretons, but the skillset you've proposed doesn't play to a Breton's strengths... at all. Bretons are naturally gifted in the Magic department, but they have bad endurance and agility. Also speed or strength, depending upon gender.

The skillset you've proposed sounds like a better match for a Redguard or a Khajiit, or maybe a Bosmer.
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Lindsay Dunn
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:32 pm

Every warrior I've ever made in Morrowind or Oblivion has been a Breton. I wouldn't think of using any other race for a warrior. In my book the Breton is the best warrior race in the game. Every race ends up with impressive combat stats if the do combat. But the Achilles heel of the warrior in an Elder Scrolls game is his vulnerability to magic attacks. The Breton's 50% Resist Magic is worth its weight in gold to a warrior.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:52 pm

Every warrior I've ever made in Morrowind or Oblivion has been a Breton. I wouldn't think of using any other race for a warrior. In my book the Breton is the best warrior race in the game. Every race ends up with impressive combat stats if the do combat. But the Achilles heel of the warrior in an Elder Scrolls game is his vulnerability to magic attacks. The Breton's 50% Resist Magic is worth its weight in gold to a warrior.

one of the reasons im useing abreton is because of the 50% magic resist 2 if i get uber bored swinging a sword i can always go back to learning magic and ive never made played a warior before
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:31 pm

i like restoration on my warriors, absorb health is usefull, and bretons start out with a +10 to boost it up
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:58 pm

Racial stats and skill bonus make a difference when starting the game on highest difficulty, but eventually stats and skills get capped anyway and at the end bretons have the best on use racial of any race... 50% magic resist. Daedric Armor + armorer 25% bonus = armor cap so the shield spell is useless and add a couple magic resist items to make him immune to magic and virtually immune to physical damage.... That about sums it up. Although the Ultimate warrior might be a Redguard... add atronarch and some spell absorb gear and he can be armor capped while immune to magic and have a 'REDGUARD SMASH!' button (adrenaline rush or whatever the racial is called).
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