No spells but novice restoration. No Secondary skills. Only using pickup gear and quest gear.
No muffled boots on stealth.
And I play on Expert from start and change from expert to Master.
Im loving it.
I usually can fire 1 maybe 2 arrows in a group of enemies before spotted, and then I either need to run and kite or go in with my light armor and 2h.
I play without hencman and I place 9/10 points into stamina.
I made lvl 18 in an evening, with only doing 30% of companion quest line and 5% of thief guild quest line.
The game is hard, but I can take out single encounters if I stealth and just use my bow.
yes the bow and stealth is powerful, but since I dont have anything to make my sound muffled, and will never use it, I often only get off one shot, maybe 2 before spotted.
And I do have 60 in stealth so its not too low, I get spotted after first shot, easy.
Vs multiple enemies I need to move in, find a spot, find someone I think I can kill with one shot and go for it.
But, with pickup gear only and NO secondary professions, even on Expert, I usually end up taking off only half health of enemies with a crit and triple damage shot.
The minor ones will die though, bandit leaders I will maybe, take out half hp of with luck, but then thats it.
Now, I have managed to find a balance to the fights wiich is nice.
Other then that, I love the games athmosphere and general feeling.
I dont regret re rolling after 50 hrs of game.
My first 1 hour was different on all 3 characters as I actually discovered different things.
With my new woodelf I could not be bothered to visit the grey beards yet though, so he is still to go there although he is lvl 18 already:-)
The other only choice I have for a solid character that would be interesting, is a 2h wielding Nord, also using no secondary.
2h, since dual wield is doing too much damage. And 2h suits the nord and skyrim so much better.
Light armor, as perks in general are a ton better, but above all, the better heavy armor, armor values dont scale well with enemy damage. Simply put, you dont take any, even on master, from anything below giants and dragons.
I use 2h now as well in close combat and have trained it decently. I like it, its slow, does decent damage and takes more skill to use.
Im not utterly gimped as I have stealth, but Im opting not to use daggers or even learn one handed. Bows, yes, they are powerful, but not so without smithing or enchanting.
The damage with bows at times is rather sad but with a sneak shot it can topple normal enemies in one shot but seldom take more then half of bandit leaders etc.
Another thing why I choose bows. The speed: I can even swing my 2h almost 3 times the time it takes for me to shoot 2 shots with a bow. That alone makes fights more interesting.
Every shot really need to count or I will need to run or get killed.
Anyway, im having a ton of fun in combat, its up to YOU if you want to use enchanting or smithing, combined with alchemy or not.
I use neither and im a good fighter but far far from overpowered, and almost all encounters Im in, are challenging. So far. But Im mainly on expert, I can easily go master from 30 and have the same thing. Easily.