So I started replaying F3 and I noticed some big changes

Post » Mon Jan 25, 2016 6:32 am

The graphics look dated and atrocious but the audio is amazing. I forgot how much work they put into good voice actors. There are more believable characters at your 10th b day party than the whole Commonwealth. The system of npc talking directly to you is much more immersive and dialog options were great. Telling butch his mom drank all his family vault rations is classic. Much better than the SS's sloppy line delivery. "the settlers were relieved... to not have them to worry about anymore". Female ss has better delivery but worse drug shouts.
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tiffany Royal
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Post » Mon Jan 25, 2016 3:45 pm

You can enable face to face dialogue in the options.

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Post » Mon Jan 25, 2016 7:57 am

No [censored], it's the default. It's not the same angle.
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Jodie Bardgett
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Post » Mon Jan 25, 2016 4:16 am

Um, no, the default is a cinematic dialog view. You can change it in the settings to just ordinary first-person dialog. Doesn't zoom in, though.

Fallout 3's voice acting was pretty good, but generally I still have to give it to 4. Especially since 4 has very few repeat voice actors compared to the last few Bethesda games - generic NPCs have repeating voices, but the vast majority of unique NPCs have their own unique voice.

(and again, comparing a good line from one game with a bad line from another is pointless)

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Greg Swan
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Post » Mon Jan 25, 2016 2:19 am

Yeah they definitely got better at npc voice variations but the writing has gone to [censored]. There's literally no likable characters other than drinking buddy.

I just have dialog camera on/off. Turning it off doesn't give you the f3 angle.
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Jesus Duran
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Post » Mon Jan 25, 2016 4:21 pm

drinking buddy? Is that that robot that despenses alcohol? I 'm fond of valintine and codsworth so theres definetly likable characters for me. And I think there writing for the main quest is good at least better then fo3. But well thats just me.
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Lexy Dick
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Post » Mon Jan 25, 2016 7:12 am

You don't like Danse, Hancock, Deacon, Valentine, McCready, Piper, Cait, Codsworth, Father, Maxson? You don't like anyone at all? I find all these characters pretty awesome in their own way. I think the followers are definitely a step up from Fallout 3, I mean I liked Charon but the others were a bit flat to me. However I don't like any of the new followers to the extent that I like Boone.

Edit: Unless of course you meant just the npcs, if that's the case then if you get the John Marston looking dude with the deep voice, put him in suspenders and slacks, give him a bandanna and make him your weapons dealer, he is pretty likable at that point.

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Agnieszka Bak
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Post » Mon Jan 25, 2016 5:52 am

As someone who has been critical of Beth and their handling of Skyrim's atrocious writing and quest design, I can honestly tell you that IMO, Fallout 4 is a step up in this regard. It is, by no means, fantastic, but a definite improvement over TES V.

The dialogue wheel, however... :thumbsdown:

I can take or leave the voiced protagonist, but if they decide to use it again, I sure as hell hope they use a better voice actor this time. There are times where the voice acting for the pc is downright cringe worthy.

Overall, Fallout 4 isn't as bad as some people would have you believe. That said, I do miss skills, and the skill checks that go with them, but on the other hand, people had been asking for SPECIAL to actually mean something for the next Fallout, and now that's what we've got. I only wish that it hadn't come at the cost of skills.

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Post » Mon Jan 25, 2016 6:11 pm

I really miss Fallout 3. I never got tired of playing it and NV. Sad thing is, they just didn't work right on the PS3. That's why I am always posting that I would be more than willing to pay for F3 and NV w/DLC all over again if they would port it to the PS4 using Fallout 4's updated engine so they actually worked.

F3 and NV are my all time favorite games even as hard as they were to play on the PS3. F4 is great, stable, beautiful, but there's still no comparison in my opinion. It's not always about pretty graphics. If it were, I would get rid of my 286 rig in the basemant that I regularly fire up and play all the old 2D side-scroller's on. Monster Bash, Commander Keen, and so many others.

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Adam Kriner
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Post » Mon Jan 25, 2016 6:11 pm

I honestly don't.

Danse is an idiot, piper is intolerable, cait after her quest is basically a rehab stick in the mud. Valentine was well done but I find him too "good" for my play style. Deacon has no personality traits other than lying. Curie is annoying with her pvssyr, so is strong.I like Hancock but he's no dean domino. Father and maxton felt the same as f3, boring.
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Stat Wrecker
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Post » Mon Jan 25, 2016 5:53 am

I double dare you to make Marcy Long likeable.

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