I joined the Dawnguard , want to know why?
Is anyone aware of the Vingalmo Glitch on both consoles? I'm sure you all are. After you've turned everyone into a vampire that he asks you to turn, the vampire quests end with him. All of them, even after you kill the people, to avoid the glitch from freezing all the other vampire quests; as in the quest he gives you will be active yet unavailable because Bethesda only allowed him to ask you to turn 5 different NPC's and when they are all turned or dead, well the quest stays active without an objection. They should have made his quests fail automatically to where you can talk to the other members. But no, the quest makes its to where you cant take anymore vampire quests.
Now you can reload your save point to avoid this, but eventually the other vampires tell you to pay him a visit no matter what you do and how many times you reload your save to avoid him. You also kill other vampires anyway. If you're in a vampire covenant. Most vampires should look away. In most vampire movies, if a vampire is part of a really old coven, No vampire would touch them or the coven would murder that vampire. So the Harkon's coven had a lot of holes in it as you go around killing ( thin blood) vampires anyway as you would in the Dawnguard. So, again I'm pointed in joining the Dawngaurd. Another reason is, Serana makes you a vampire lord anyway whether you join Harkon or Join Isran. It doesn't matter.
If Serana turns you into Vampire Lord while you're in the Dawnguard, well you get kicked out of the Dawnguard until either Aeila gives you a second and final chance with the beast blood or the mage in morthal cures you.
I joined the Dawnguard also to learn how to make bolts and get some good equipment. If you have Smithing maxed out and have really good armor and weapons to begin than the Dawnguard equipment seems pointless to have. Say for instance I had fully smithed Daedric Armor and really good weapons than the equipment that the Dawnguard has is kind of useles. The cross bow is one of the things I played with, but I prefered the bow because it was way faster to use.
But either side you join, has both results. Both become useless eventually. Both sides kill Harkon. I think the vampire side should have bene way way different. I think if you're a vampire you should CHOOSE whether you want to serve Harkon, keep him as an underling, imprison him, or kill him. Instead the vampire faction was too broken for me. If I join the Vampires, the main quest is still the same aside from the Chalice quest and the radiant enchanted item quests.
You still kill Harkon. You still get the Moth Priest. You still do a number of the same things, and you still kill other vampires. It would be cool if you could choose to recruit vampires in the guild and turn people yourself without the Vingalmo Glitch. Honestly I've found Vampire Lord more useful in the Dark Brotherhood. Also, if you're leader of a vampire coven. Shouldn't you be the one telling the vampires what to do, not the other way around?
At least in the Dawnguard, you don't take over. Isran is still giving the orders which makes better sense. Why should we as the Dragonborn always take over a faction? Thats one positive thing I like about the Dawnguard. I don't have to be a leader.
the Dawnguard is all good if you love killing vampires. But the vampire side is so glitched on the consoles that its not worth joining after the main quest is complete.
Honestly you better off going with the Dawnguard. You can always leave them later when you ask Serana to turn you and go do quests for another faction that pays you in gold.
Thats another thing I hate about the Dawnguard and Vampire Factions. They pay you with enchanted items that the merchants can't afford unless you have most of the perks in the Speech.
So eventually which ever side I chose. I end up not doing anymore work for them. So it didn't hurt me one bit leaving the Dawnguard. There was alot in the DLC that disappointed me. What I didn't like about the Dawnguard was you only got two types of Cross Bow. Steel and Dwarven/ Dwemer. If you had Smithing maxed out, than you could max out your cross bow with a fortified smithing skill and the other cross bows including the dwarven bow were useless.
At least you can leave the Dawnguard side with Serana. Either way, its a win win situation.
It is the one dlc with the most unfixed glitches. I enjoyed it, but Dawnguard could have been better.