Starting dragonborn possible glitch?

Post » Sun Jun 30, 2013 2:08 pm

I have completed the main quest, I have completed dawnguard and I have 3 houses in hearthfire. I downloaded all 3 at the same time. At the start i was attacked by cultists near a giant settlement but then I left their body's thats when I completed the other 2 add ons. Naturally I wanted to start dragonborn so i went onto my quest finder and saw that i needed to get a note off one off their body's i went to retrieve the note only to find no note? And I still have the white quest marker over one of the body's. I thought I might go to solstheim but nothing seems to be there that will initiate the quest. How do I go about starting dragonborn? Without losing my progress in dawnguard and hearthfire?
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Tamara Dost
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Post » Sun Jun 30, 2013 11:36 am

Reload a previous save fast travel to another location (perhaps Whiterun) and do it again.


Just travel to Windhelm and find the ship's Captain who agreed to take you to Solsteim for 1000 septims. The cultists eventually will catch you up when you return to Solitude again.

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jessica Villacis
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Post » Sun Jun 30, 2013 8:27 am

Thanks mark41, I can't reload another save otherwise i would lose all my progress. As i said I downloaded all 3 at the same time and killed them at the start, I then went and completed the other two add on's ( I know rookie right ).

I have tried to fast travel to every city and even went to solstiem and nothing happened there, i looked for the wizard and everything but nothing would kick off the quests :( i then travelled back to skyRim and nothing.

Any other suggestions??? Please this is driving me up the wall especially seeing i have a few days off work lol
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NAtIVe GOddess
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Post » Sun Jun 30, 2013 9:38 am

> At the start i was attacked by cultists near a giant settlement but then I left their body's thats when I completed the other 2 add ons. <

That was a big mistake...

Have you tried to search the other cultist for a note ? - maybe it will trigger the Dragonborn quest.

You can try to re-install your main game again and your DLC's as well.

(First install the game - update, then all the DLC's.) - (see your DLC's install order under "DOWNLOADABLE CONTENT", and install them again in a different order.)

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Post » Sun Jun 30, 2013 1:46 pm

Can't say it often enough :-

Make manual save games at important points so you can revert without losing too much play.

Only one thing is certain with Skyrim - it WILL bug or glitch on you at some point so prepare for it.

For the few who report they have never had a problem, ok we know so no need to come in here and state it....again.:D

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Johanna Van Drunick
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Post » Sun Jun 30, 2013 7:40 pm

I know it was a mistake but there was no note on there bodies to begin with.
If i reinstall the game and the dlc, will I lose all my progress with hearthfire and dawnguard?
Cheers for your help guys :)
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stacy hamilton
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