Ok i wont base the entire race around it but I am really starting to hate the High Elves in Skyrim. Stupid Thalmor. First they take over the empire and they have that cocky attitude.
I remain an Altmer. . well, part. . . the rest is Daedric and a mix of Nord, Redguard, Dunmer and the Snow Elves of old in the ancestry. . . but I remain (via my character anyway) proud and loving of The Altmer race, though the Thalmor have a horrible attitude and represent some of the worst of what an Altmer can be. Just remember Chancellor/Potentate Ocato, and the good Altmer who wrote "The Rising Threat." Remember Galerion and the Pjisics, and be reminded that there have indeed been and there continue to be Altmer who are both good and great. Not all are shameless jerks.
Truth be told, I found I disliked both the Thalmor AND the Stormcloaks in this game. Two completely different groups of obnoxious, disgusting racists, as far as I could tell.