I have OOO, RBP, LAME, lost spires, improved economy (forget exact name), realistic leveling installed.
My male Bosmer starts in the prison cell with 37 health and a message says to drink a healing potion but I am maxed. Is something screwed up in my mods?
I have all those mods installed too (though I'm thinking of going with SM instead of LAME, but never mind that...) - assuming you mean Enhanced Economy (probably) - except there's nGCD + Progress, where you have Realistic Leveling. And then some (e.g., full FCOM setup...)
And yeah, that doesn't happen with my characters. :shrug:
Just paraphrasing my previous post in this forum, really, and one of the posts above:
Wrye Bash and BOSS ftw. Oh, and readmes, etc.