Starting a 'Monster Hunter' character.

Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 3:02 am

I've always been wanting to start a proffesional 'Monster Hunter' character - think Geralt from the witcher, someone who'se always prepared for whatever beasties come his way - who always keeps a silver weapon as a rule of thumb, and who focuses on survival and special tatics rather than just going in there with a sword and broad. Hell, if there are enough quests for it I'd quite like it so that he can hunt monsters -especially- as a source of income, though he could always just find a cave with some Ogres and imps in it and go to town.

Now, first off, I was thinking something like this for a build:

Race: Dunmer
Focus: Combat
Stats: Endurance and Intelligence
Birthsign: The Steed

Obviously not good for direct combat - I want to focus on debuffing enemies with silences and such, whilst also getting a ton of utility from the potions gained through alchemy. He's also more dodge-centric, and will probably use a burden spell of some description to stop enemies in their tracks so he can run circles around them, or to seperate one mob from a group. I was also considering switching out destruction for archery.

Keep in mind I'm using oblivion XP so stuff like 'alchemy leveling too fast' doesn't apply. This also raises the problem of not being able to level minor skills infinitely, as to level a minor skill is discouraged because it costs more 'skill points'.

I'd also love to know a good amount of quests I could do which send the player off to hunt a monster or clear out a cave full of monsters. Keep in mind also that I'm using OOO so if you've any knowledge as to what level said dungeons would be, do tell.
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Post » Thu Jun 23, 2011 12:37 pm

There's the vampire-hunter mini-faction in the Imperial City Temple District that you can join, and there's of Vampire dungeons you could check out.

But of course the number one monster to hunt would be the Udyrfrykte -

I don't think burden will really do anything, try poisons instead.

If you want to do proper dodges, you should get Acrobatics to 50, then you can do rolls and backflips by blocking and jumping.
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