Do you have Telvanni leanings? If so, seek out Uvirith's Legacy, Building Up Uvirith's Legacy, and Rise of House Telvanni. Add LGNPC Tel Uvirith if you want your retainers to have some personality (plus it adds several quests).
Mage Guild loyalist? Magical Missions will add quests to the Caldera guild.
Looking for more in the way of spells? Scripted Spells and Elemental Magicka II add plenty of spells to play around with. Additionally, BTB spells will rebalance the vanilla spells, plus several spells that weren't accessable before will be for sale.
Pesky unarmored bug getting you down? The Morrowind Code Patch has a fix (and you really should be using it anyway). Additionally, BTB Settings makes unarmored more effective, so running around everywhere naked becomes more than just a possibility.

I don't play vampire characters, but I've heard some good things about Vampire Embrace.