You can add points to your attributes, when leveling.
One of my previous characters was an Altmer Mage. (Currently running an Altmer Apprentice) Serious magic to be played with and he went into Oblivion Gates at level 17 and higher and picked up three Fortify Magicka +50 Sigil Stones. With an additional 150 points of magika to play with and wearing no armor mind you, he was able to put the beatdown on most enemies easily.
By about level 15, you should be a walking bank. Don't worry about gold at all, it will be hard to come by in the beginning, but trust me, soon you will be richer in game than in real life.
In fact, an example with my current Altmer Apprentice:
He doesn't use armor.
He doesn't use physical weapons. A staff for blocking and a bound dagger. That's it. Oh, and, seriously customized spells.

He pays taxes on his house to avoid being too rich.
He has the original starting points in Strength and Endurance, which means that he is a one hit kill.
He can only carry about 50 pounds beyond his traveling kit. And yet I have about 40,000 gold at level 18.... (saving money for a house)