I or one my friends will constantly be monitoring this server. It will always have an admin on it. On the rare days that we aren't on and someone is using the bow or gauss, please have video proof along the users name. No proof, no kick. Also I will have very little tolerance for camping. I want the players and myself to have a good time. I will take an aggressive but fair approach to the way this server is handled.
What warrants a kick/ban? As stated above, the use of the bow or the gauss in my server will result in a kick. Along with the kick you will be warned. The second offense will result in a ban. They are non disputable. If an admin is not on when the offense occurs then please have video proof as well as the users name. I will have a thread on gamesas for posting offenses.
Will I really be banned for camping? No. But you will be kicked. I do not tolerate camping. I'm hoping that by banning the bow and gauss the amount of camping will be alleviated. I understand that there will still be sniper rifles. They aren't OHK unless it's to the head.
I am looking for other people to be admins. As of day one it will be me and only me and then following behind will be my brothers. but we have lives and other hobbies. I would like for there to always be an admin online. If you are interested then leave a comment below.
When will the server be up? Middle of next week. I wish I could give a better date than that but I get paid on and hope to have it up by wednesday saturday at the latest.
Whay game modes will be supported? Right now only TDM will be supported. I'm thinking about adding crash site. I'm up for suggestions in this area.
I hope everyone enjoys my server and that it will be populated quickly and remain that way. Thank you for taking the time to read this.