Starting Oblivion after Skyrim

Post » Fri May 04, 2012 5:39 am

Is it worth it? I was browsing yesterday and noticed the fifth anniversary edition of Oblivion.

Skyrim is my first time playing an Elder Scrolls game. I missed the boat with Oblivion. I did buy Morrowind when it came out for my Xbox, but I never bothered to play it.

So with the knowledge that Skyrim was my first intro to this world and having gotten used to its mechanics, etc., can I go back and be able to enjoy Oblivion? Or should I not bother and just enjoy Skyrim?
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Lisa Robb
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 1:31 am

I still enjoy Oblivion, but if you have Morrowind but Skyrim was your first missed out BIG time, my friend :D
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 11:17 pm

Is it worth it? I was browsing yesterday and noticed the fifth anniversary edition of Oblivion.

Yes it is worth it. Give it a try, thats' what I say. I"m eventually going to to from Skyrim to Morrowind. Never tried Morrowind yet, you see. Just because Morrowind is older doesn't mean it's not still a good game.

So with the knowledge that Skyrim was my first intro to this world and having gotten used to its mechanics, etc., can I go back and be able to enjoy Oblivion? Or should I not bother and just enjoy Skyrim?

Only you can answer this. Some people love certain TES games, but hate other ones. Me? I enjoy both Oblivion and Skyrim about equally, although I'm glad I started with Oblivion first, personally. It is certainly possible to go from Skyrim to Oblivion though. Oblivion is a more colorful, somewhat friendlier game in some respects, not as serious and certainly not as bleak as Skyrim. But I say: buy it. Or rent it. Play it. See what you think.

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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 12:34 am

I've just seen so much debate about "which game is better (Skyrim vs. Oblivion)?" and I don't know. I really enjoy Skyrim, but I don't know if after playing it I've unwittingly "spoiled" myself to how it plays and what to expect.

The Morrowind thing is a long story, but I'll cut it short. I bought the game and I did open it and play it for maybe a half hour, but I just never went back to it. It wasn't an intentional action of me to never play it again, but I just never did. That was a weird time in gaming for me since that's the time I basically got back to gaming on consoles.
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Richard Dixon
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 4:50 am

Oblivion is still an incredible game, it might have more flaws then Skyrim but it's also better in other areas as well. Shivering Isles is probably one of the best if not best DLC Expansion areas that Beth has made.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 5:39 am

I am looking at the Game of the Year edition on Steam which has apparently all the DLC for it @ $25USD. The trailer looks great and I kind of like the medieval feel over the Nordic one we have in Skyrim.

Question: Can you play in both 1st and 3rd person similar to Skyrim?

Edit: Wait, it has more flaws than Skyrim? As in bugs? Or, what kind of flaws?
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Claudia Cook
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 12:21 am

Yes, you can play in both first and third person. I recommend Oblivion to anyone and personally think it is the best TES game, but maybe that is because it was my first. I have played it from release and have had no bugs whatsoever. Obviously there are things they could have done better but it is the same with any game.
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Jodie Bardgett
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 3:14 am

Question: Can you play in both 1st and 3rd person similar to Skyrim?
Yes, Oblivion can be done in either 1st or 3rd.
Edit: Wait, it has more flaws than Skyrim? As in bugs? Or, what kind of flaws?

The leveling system is the main one. Some people (me included) don't like the way Oblivion levels up, others don't mind it. It'll take too long for me to explain how it works, and what its perceived flaws are, so somebody else can handle that.

If you're on pc, there are multiple ways to adress the leveling. If you are not, there are ways to artificially slow leveling down (put lesser-used skills as Majors).

There are also some bugs that are incurable on consoles, although I've never encountered these.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 10:02 pm

In Oblivion you cannot play exclusively in 3rd person without getting into serious trouble. You cannot know if you are stealing an item unless you are in 1st person. So, unlike Skyrim which allows the player to do everything in either POV, Oblivion forces you to play in 1st person at least part of the time.
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Zoe Ratcliffe
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 10:09 pm

Might as well get Oblivion, play it and make your own opinion if you enjoy it more than Skyrim or not. Too many people draw sides in this silly arugement about which is better. I like both, a parent can't choose favorites now can they? (not sure... I just... well I think you get the idea of what I was saying)

It's far from perfect though but I'm sure it will keep you busy for many hours :D as said above the leveling system is scaled and it can lead to complications. Nothing i've ever found gamebreaking myself because you can manage when you level up
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 1:37 pm

In Oblivion you cannot play exclusively in 3rd person without getting into serious trouble. You cannot know if you are stealing an item unless you are in 1st person. So, unlike Skyrim which allows the player to do everything in either POV, Oblivion forces you to play in 1st person at least part of the time.

And, to add to that... Ranged aiming is also very difficult to manage in 3rd person. I always switch to 1st person when shooting, and generally stay in that mode during long stretches of stealthy stalking.
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Darian Ennels
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 6:16 pm

I like shooting arrows and ranged spells in 3rd person. Makes it more challenging! :hubbahubba: In Skyrim good lord bows & arrows in 3rd person is much harder, though! It's hard because it's not as easy to tell if you've hit or not.

In Oblivion, if you hit an enemy, there's always a reaction. "Ohhhh....what's the matter? Getting ARRRRRGH!!!!!!" Know what I mean?
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 3:40 am

Thats cool, I do a bunch of switching between 1st and 3rd whilst playing Skyrim, a quick scroll of that mousewheel and you're good to go.

Leveling up, I see, so not "flaws" as in all the quests are broken, I have 300 quest-marked inventory items etc... I am a PC player, so indeed I would expect there are zillions of mods out there to tweak to one's heart's delight.


I'll probably be giving it a try, as I really like the look of some screenshots and some of the enemies are pretty cool. In a fantasy game I would expect to fight minotaurs and other crazy beasts... Skyrim imho, has too many regular earthly animals running about outside. It feels like I am LARPing in Colorado sometimes, then of course there are dragons. ;)
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 10:13 pm

A modded Oblivion can be an amazing game. Much better than Skyrim out of the box. If you can run it get the PC version. The console version isn't bad either, especially now since you can get it cheap.
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louise tagg
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 1:43 am

Concerning the debate of skyrim vs oblivion, the only way you'll get a true answer is if you play it yourself. You may want to read though as it gives you an idea of the differences of game-play when going from Skyrim to oblivion or Morrowind so you know what to expect.

If you do get oblivion though, make sure it includes shivering isles for reasons already stated that it's one of the best DLCs
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 2:25 pm

Oblivion is still an incredible game, it might have more flaws then Skyrim but it's also better in other areas as well. Shivering Isles is probably one of the best if not best DLC Expansion areas that Beth has made.

woooooh, no, skyrim has WAY more bugs. Unless you mean in other ways, flaws per say would be a point of view.
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Kate Murrell
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 5:00 pm

In Oblivion, if you hit an enemy, there's always a reaction. "Ohhhh....what's the matter? Getting ARRRRRGH!!!!!!" Know what I mean?

Their cocky retorts a second before dying never fail to amuse me :D They should have included that in skyrim, damn.

"You're a milkdrinker! ARRRGH"
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Victor Oropeza
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 9:02 pm

That's me: Oblivion after Skyrim. And YES, it's so worth it! I don't want to say anything bad about Skyrim, it's great and all, but finally forcing myself through Imperial Prison Sewers (after several unsuccessful attempts back in 2006 and constantly getting post-Morrowind trauma) was the best thing that's happened to my gamer's life for the past few years.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 5:27 am

Their cocky retorts a second before dying never fail to amuse me They should have included that in skyrim, damn.
It happens all the time to me. *shrug* They'll be taunting me about stealing my coin even as they're falling to the floor. In my games it's probably happened to me more often in Skyrim than in Oblivion.
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cheryl wright
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 2:25 pm

For sure man. Some people dont like Oblivion but I think its just fantastic. It's at least worth a try to see how you like it...
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 3:52 am

I think that Skyrim is a much shallower game than Oblivion. Skyrim has a lot of different things, possibly more than Oblivion, but most of them are rather shallow. Also, Skyrim often *looks* cool, but when you take a closer look at it, it soon falls apart.

Some examples:
- Skyrim looks as if it has more quests than Oblivion. Truth is, most of the quests are infinite random quests, that are actually quite bad. Oblivion doesn't have infinite random quests but it has much more *real* quests.

- Guild quests are much better in Oblivion. They are much longer, Mages and Fighters guild both have over 15 quests compared to like 5 guild quests in Skyrim. As a result you get to know the people more and get to care about them.

- Magic. This is what I mean when I say Skyrim looks cool. The spell-casting looks and feels awesome with dual-wielding spells and what not. BUT. Skyrim has a lot less spells than Oblivion. In fact in Oblivion you can create your own spells with the effects you desire. Want a spell that does fire damage and adds weakness to fire for several seconds? A spell that does fire, shock AND frost damage at the same time? Want to create a spell that does damage in 100 ft. around you? Want to be able to summon more creatures than just fire and frost atronarch? I could go on and on about magic but I'll just stop here.

- Skills and leveling. While this is very subjective, I prefer the leveling system of Oblivion. I really miss the speed attribute and some skills like acrobatics (being able to jump on the roofs of small houses? Hell yeah!)

- Oblivion had more armor and weapons. Also, it had more different types of potions, clothing and pretty much everything else.

These were just some examples why I think Oblivion is a better game. Also, as of now Oblivion has much more quality mods than Skyrim (though that will probably change in a few years).

EDIT: This post turned out much more negative towards Skyrim than I expected. Truth is, I like Skyrim, it is a very good game. I just think that Oblivion was better in most aspects.
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 3:58 pm

Morrowind, Oblivian and Skyrim while all ES games are all different enough in my opinion that they are all enjoyable in their own way. As long as you recognize that it's going to be different you should still enjoy it. I would even suggest checking out Morrowind again. The graphics are horribly dated, but you could say the same for a lot of games that people still enjoy. Diablo 2, the older Final Fantasy games, the original Legend of Zelda etc.
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Auguste Bartholdi
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 7:25 pm

Is it worth it?...Or should I not bother and just enjoy Skyrim?

Yes, definitely worth it, in my opinion. I think you'll be missing out if you just stick with Skyrim.

Edit: Wait, it has more flaws than Skyrim? As in bugs? Or, what kind of flaws?

Both Skyrim and Oblivion are very stable for me. Oblivion does have a few known bugs, most of which can be fixed with mods if you are on a PC. But the game is very stable and playable.

I would recommend keeping a lot of saves. Sometimes a quest might break and the easiest fix might be to load a save.

But don't let that scare you off. The game is very stable I think.

And regarding creatures, while there are many animals like Skyrim (bears, wolves, mountain lions, etc) there are also a lot of fantasy creatures too, like Minotaurs, Ogres, Imps, Land Dreughs (I call them Billies, don't know why), the dreaded Will-o-the-Wisps. etc, etc.
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Judy Lynch
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Post » Thu May 03, 2012 10:18 pm

(I call them Billies, don't know why)

I know why, but I can't remember the name of the NPC who tells you this other name.
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Post » Fri May 04, 2012 1:54 am

I played Oblivion for a very long time, but after playing Skyrim i find it hard to get back.

The gameplay is just incredibly different, and whilst many people joke about the comical and cartoony faces, and also the strange conversations, i personally find them a let down.

The gameplay in Oblivion was great when i played it, before Skyrim. But when Skyrim came out I just found the story much better. But perhaps I just learnt how to role play properly when Skyrim was released.

If Oblivion is cheap, get it. You might like it, you might not. If you don't, just sell it. If you do, then continue playing it ;). But expect something different and harder to Skyrim, because you'll have to manage you attributes, and once you hit the high levels then the other NPC's become pretty powerful.
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