Is it worth it?...Or should I not bother and just enjoy Skyrim?
Yes, definitely worth it, in my opinion. I think you'll be missing out if you just stick with Skyrim.
Edit: Wait, it has more flaws than Skyrim? As in bugs? Or, what kind of flaws?
Both Skyrim and Oblivion are very stable for me. Oblivion does have a few known bugs, most of which can be fixed with mods if you are on a PC. But the game is very stable and playable.
I would recommend keeping a lot of saves. Sometimes a quest might break and the easiest fix might be to load a save.
But don't let that scare you off. The game is very stable I think.
And regarding creatures, while there are many animals like Skyrim (bears, wolves, mountain lions, etc) there are also a lot of fantasy creatures too, like Minotaurs, Ogres, Imps, Land Dreughs (I call them Billies, don't know why), the dreaded Will-o-the-Wisps. etc, etc.