Being a raider would have been cool. Its far enough into the series that you shouldn't need to be a vault dweller (or even descended from one); but it could be a "law" of the series (just like Prison for TES).
I have a different view of 'role playing possibilities'. I would see the role of the vault dweller as 'alien' and 'unusual' to me and so would have greater role playing possibilities for playing "out of character" for me, and 'in character' for the PC.
To be honest (having played all fallout games aside from FOBOS); Fallout never presented a world that any would want to live in... the game was about role playing someone who had to live in it.
@Esbern: Nice Avatar :tops:
I have a different view of 'role playing possibilities'. I would see the role of the vault dweller as 'alien' and 'unusual' to me and so would have greater role playing possibilities for playing "out of character" for me, and 'in character' for the PC.
To be honest (having played all fallout games aside from FOBOS); Fallout never presented a world that any would want to live in... the game was about role playing someone who had to live in it.
@Esbern: Nice Avatar :tops:
Oh definitely, I agree that the roleplaying was as someone who had to live that life out of necessity and I liked that, and I don't think Fallout should ever present a world one would want to live in (unfortunately having played only 3 and New Vegas, my knoledge is quite limited about Fallout, I've generally been a TES and Bioware guy since the 90's.) But I'm a geeky medieval-fantasy-head, and though I am loving everything I've seen and played in Fallout and it has opened my eyes to the beauty of post apocalyptic fiction, I'll always be the type that prefers to RP as a ranger with a bow rather than a scavenger with a gun. Both FO and TES are equally RP friendly, is what I should have said, but I prefer the TES style.