Ah I was Finalnds unofficial under 15-year old champion 4 years ago. Good times, I still play it. Feels in the wallet..
If you buy a starter set, do not buy a 40 card thing, they are useless. But if you do, buy two of the same to spice your deck up and eliminate bad cards. A good rule to follow is to have all your creatures have useful abilities, in addition to as high power/toughness you can get for X mana.
If you find 60 card starting decks, it's really a good idea to buy 3 of the same. That was my first deck, with only the land changing. I had the teneb the harvester deck, with harmonize, dread return, acid moss and other cheesy things

But we live in the 2011 era, those cards cannot be used in T2 standard anymore.