So after doing a bunch of research and number crunching the past few days as I try to get my class builds all in order, I've come across a lot of information regarding to stats and the way they work which is quite concerning.
Basically it appears that, according to most of the closed beta testers that are already at endgame, almost everyone will end up putting all or most of their stat points into health as it's quite easy to reach the soft cap for mana and stamina, even armour as well.
What I mean is that for something like armour, you can fairly easily reach the soft cap, even the hard cap maybe, through spells and enchantments. For instance one player at veteran rank 5 can hard cap his armour even while only wearing light armour. This pretty much renders heavy armour useless in my mind.
The same for basic stats, it's quite easy to reach the soft cap for mana and stamina without putting many, or even any points into them. So effectively you can just dump all your stat points into health and suffer very little in the way of consequences, even if you're a pure mage or something and have no plans to be tanking, it still appears to be the best use of your stat points.
Now I've already been a bit scared at just how shallow ZOS is going with the stats and sticking with Skyrim's very lackluster and shallow stat system and I'm already scared enough as it is that thanks to only having 3 very basic stats we're going to see a LOT of similar builds, but now I'm worried that it may not even go that far and everyone will just have all their points into health because it's the most viable option.
Maybe it's just that I come from a long line of deep number/stat based MMO's, and they're always my favourites, but right now the stat system is really worrying for me in terms of possibilities for diversity. The entire idea of being able to cap stats seems redundant to me, but I guess there must be a good reason for it, even if we do end up with issues like this.
Does anyone by chance have any word on if ZOS is aware of these issues and is planning on revising them or is it stuck like this for the forseeable future? And I also welcome open discussion, I would love to hear other people's thought on this and I'm sorry if this has already been brought up.
This is one of the main beta testers that I'm going off of for this information: