punnkrit, since 23 of march (when I started to play C2MP) I've lost about 1 million XP, coz' of bugs of the game. I never see so much bugs in the game - only in Crysis 2!!! It's a big fail to Crytek. I think, that you must to start game again, coz' no one will restore your XP... =(
P.S. About cheating - 2.2 is very good condition to Crysis 2 MP, but it's not a fact of cheating!!! I see many skill players. I take good game with good k/a/d often (not usually, that I can have more than 2.0) and I can say that k/a/d is not a fact of cheating. You can say that someone cheater if only you see 20-30 kills of you and other players and can't understand "how?"
Something like that didn't happen to me, I only lost the module upgrades from lvl3 to lvl1 and everthing in my service record.
Seems like you are a lot worse than me. Yes, I agree with you about cheating. But I really never
get any complaint on how I play. Like after match ends, no one seems to screw me up in the chat box.
punnkrit its hard to believe that something like that happened to you.
I do not know if Your a cheater or not. If yes then you should be banned instead of resetted to lvl1.
As for me I think I know how this whole mechanism of statistics work. Somewhere over the rainbow, where crytek servers are, there is a dedicated server/s with database containing all of the information about the players. So You and I and like rest of the people are only records in the database.
And 1 record probably looks like this:
nickname / email / serial key / current lvl / kills / ex. points / killed / primary weapon / secondary weapon / armor class / etc. etc. etc....
So if You were resetted to lvl1 due to database error - It would not affect only you. Something like half or all of the players would be affected if something in the database would be **** up.
So its really weird that single users can complain about that they were lvl 50 and now are lvl 1.
Once again Im not saying that your a cheater, but the logic says to me that it should be impossible to **** up only one player.
Edit: for those who were playing yesterday and they lost their last progress: are you all are playing ranked servers? if no, then the stats will reset.
edit2: if this will happen to me Im gonna join you guys
since this is Crysis 2 and everything is possible - server crashes, game crashes, constant connectivity problems etc.
No, it doesn't affect only me. You can see from the replies above.
And if you read the first page, it's ridiculous how someone said that cheaters don't get banned.
Sounds like there really is nothing I can do to get my status back.