» Thu Dec 31, 2009 3:03 am
This is my first post (so i appologise if it's in the wrong spot). I just logged into multiplayer a couple of hours ago and guess what, the same damn thing happened to me..... retriever now is at level 1 and has no kills, restarting won't fix it either, yep stuck that way. O_o*. Honestly this is just one of MANY really bad glitches i've endured. others are....
* I got to level 34 and was kicked all the way down to level 7 so i had to start all over again (now LVL 45)
* unlocked Guass several levels ago and it is now unavalible as if not unlocked (do i need to start AGAIN, AGAIN?)
* scopes occationally don't appear on guns ingame when they are actually equipt.
* my gun will effectivly "jam" indefinatly untill i perform melee attack which fixes it.
* I FREQUENTLY loose xp progress and even a whole experience level and unlocks.
* As an example at 6pm today there was ONE aussie server with anyone on it and it was full and said ping was 1000, so.....i join an empty one with a ping of 120ish... noone joins after waiting for a half hour (this is typical btw). Is the server browser broken or what?! it's an aussie server or nothing btw cause overseas servers are so laggy i just get smashed constantly.
* I hardly feel compelled to be competative because ANYONE near the top of the ranks is a cheater with a 2000:1 K:D ratio, how do you compete with that?!
* I have a LOT of trouble rallying enough votes to kick an OBVIOUS cheater in time before vote ends, in fact i've witnessed 2 successfull kicks in my time out of the hundreds of cheaters i've seen (aimbotters and permenently invisible seam favorites).
*WHERE IS DX11?!?!?!
*I'm sure i've forgotten a few at least...
I Preorded and paid AUD $90...(being australian of course!), and for this price i expect a great product, but i get THIS?!?
It's broken, it's mangled, it's rotting, it stinks.
Please CRYTEK fix this damn mess because at it's CORE it's a really fun game but the bugs, errors and glitches REALLY tarnish my experience. Word is really getting around about the state of the game and it's discusting that CRYTEK thinks this little of us as gamers and consumers, it does not seam to have gotten much better with past patches. This has GOT to reflect in sales declines (even if it's the piddly PC sector).
End of rant
Dissapionted customer