Can anyone share their experience with this mod? Does anyone know whether this mod is still being updated? I saw a recent update on Planetelderscrolls but it was due to an admin action. I know Lady Galadriel was in the process of working on an update last year, but never heard what happened to it. After I finish playing through the game with my Telvanni character, I would like to give Hlaalu a try again, but other than this mod I'm not sure what mods really enhance the Hlaalu experience.
Cordelia (Lady Galadriel) hasn't been on here since the end of March, and nothing's been heard about an update in over a year. The version on PES is buggy, but enderandrew worked on ironing out the major bugs. You can pick up his edited version of the .esp
That's your browser trying to parse an ESP file. On the page that RaveBlack linked to right-click on "Grandmaster of Hlaalu1.2-Beta (Ender Edit).esp " and choose "Save As..." or "Save Link As..." or whatever your browser calls it and you'll have the plugin file.
As its bug fixes I would say that it should replace the original . I hadn't heard of the " fix " so haven't used it yet . Next play through I'm back as a Hlaalu ( its really just like coming home after an extended holiday ) .