I know this is quite off-topic, but...
Does anyone else miss the old TES way of handling staves as weapons?
I mean, the good old D&D inspired; Staff is a physical weapon, no more. If it's enchanted, it might have magical properties, but otherwise it's just a stick for beating things up. These days, in more than half of the RPG genre (i bet), staves have become magical pew-pew-sticks. Oblivion started this trend in the TES series. Don't get me wrong, I am more than fine with staves being used as catalysts or such for casting, but a quarterstaff was actually a useful weapon, and would be so (and is so, clearly stated in lore) in the TES-universe.
True, we can talk about no polearms (Halberds and Spears existed in majority of the TES-series) , but that is just developer laziness.
PS. I am not hating, I am questioning. It is very healthy to question things. And I am looking forward to ESO... A Lot.