Just a warning to anyone who checks out steam forums...
There are some trolls posting the ending of the game in the topics where you will see it. That place really should be moderated... spoiling it for a lot of players.
Just a warning to anyone who checks out steam forums...
There are some trolls posting the ending of the game in the topics where you will see it. That place really should be moderated... spoiling it for a lot of players.
Yes steam forums have spoilers in topic name so beware.
There were some jerks laughing in the gamespot comment section on the launch trailer about how it was soooooooo funny how all the "fallout [censored]" were crying because of the story spoilers.....going on about how the game svcks and how much better the witcher was "graphic wise" (of course) than fallout.....laughing and gloating there butts off, so guys beware of these comment sections because their really getting a big kick out of this! I really don't like people like this.
Fanboyism is the worst. You can like both TW3 and Fallout 4, it is quite possible. Just never scroll down to a comment section anywhere anymore, even if its not related to Fallout 4.
I agree, I played the witcher 3 from front to back and liked some things about the game and disliked others but i didn't data mine the net looking for leaks to run over to the witcher fourms with and spread around like these people are doing....sad really....yep fanboyism IS the worst.
Indeed you can like both...
The thing i cant understand is the amount of trolls for FO4.... constant complaints and telling everyone how its going to svck, bad graphics etc etc.. yet they just keep hitting the forums trolling... its like really don't you have anything better to do then just troll a game that you have "no intention" in buying?
I don't know if its the newer generation of gamer or what - but in 20+ years of gaming i don't think ive ever seen so much whining, crying, trolling about something. Its a game - if you don't like how it looks etc just don't buy it and move on to something you enjoy instead of trying to ruin everyone else experience.
This is the crunch time before release where it helps to be like an ostrich and stick your head in the dirt. Trolls who would relish spoiling your fun will be everywhere. You probably want to stick to strongly moderated forums like this one to avoid spoilers.
The only one to blame is Bethesda, sending copies to everybody and their aunts two weeks before release. Their NDA has no power over anonymity. It's not like the Internet was founded just this last week.
It's one great [censored]up and the only way to avoid spoilers is pulling the plug your connection. I won't stay Net-autistic for half a month just because Bethesda can have reviews the day the game launches. They should send the copies the day it releases, not before.
I can't believe I just got spoilered just because I wanted to fix up a problem for another damn game! /golfclap Bethesda!
I stay away from Steam forums like the plague unless I'm looking-up a solution to an issue either I or someone else is experiencing. It seems that with every new game release, or being close to release, there are people who wish to ruin another's fun prior to the actual game release. It really is a sad state of affairs to let these people go unchecked.
Fallout is now a high value target for "backlash" trolling. I remember the same thing happened with Skyrim and GTA V in the days right before release. It does seem like a relatively recent phenomenon. Social media probably plays a big part in spreading it.
I checked the Steam forums because I'm a daredevil like that, and all I found were people complaining. Didn't even read the threads, just scanning topic titles, and it was all negative or negative to the negative. I can't even bring myself to read them because I'll know I won't be able to tell the legit opinions from the trolling.
I feel very sorry for anyone who has their experience altered by spoilers but they cant take away your experience with the game so much will still be new and fresh...I had a pretty good idea how Jurassic park was going to end but I still enjoyed the movie.
1- Full with Trolls.
2-the do spoilers alot
Yeah well, I had no idea what happened regarding the spoiler, it's really far, far-fetched, unimaginable for me. I don't even know if it's true but doesn't matter, my experience is spoiled even though I'll experience it.
Pete Hines told the same but it's akin to watching Sixth Sense, knowing what happens. Yeah well, it was a damn big spoiler in that sense. Activate the damn game if you're going to send copies to every lowlife with a keyboard out there.
And how the heck am I supposed to solve my problems with another game on Steam? Why do I have to stop my damn life for 2 weeks because of Bethesda's pointless PR? Would they lose big money if reviews came out on 20th or 25th?
there is a easy way to notice the trolling, there are 50 post on steam, 45 are for the same 3 trolls.
I don't know how you can compare Fallout/Elder scrolls game with The Witcher or even bioware games.
The Witcher was and still is a VERY story heavy game circling around the story of Geralt while bethesda games are all about exploration and freedom and mods etc. I don't remember many worthwhile mention story quests from oblivion/skyrim/fallout 3 as i remember from TW like the story of two sisters in chapter IV, many of the chapter II quests in helgen in TW2 and endless in TW3. I do remember numerous explorable places from bethesda's games, dunwich building in fallout 3, many aylied ruins in oblivion etc.
I just don't get it why anyone would not play one and make another favorite, TW series, Elder scrolls series, fallout series, Dragon age series, Mass effect series, Divinity Original sin, Pillars of eternity, Dark Souls series they are all great games and anyone who doesn't play some just because of fanboyism is an utter moron imo.
Fallout 4 and The Witcher 3 are both action based role playing games and that's where the similarities between both ends for me.
Ha!! Who actually browses the Steam Forums for anything? Joking of course but I'd never go there for any information or help.
Those trolls are also in the YouTube comment section of Fallout 4 videos.
Someone mentioned the ending but I though he was just trolling... but I saw the spoiler like three times . No more YouTube comments ever again.
Honorable and decent? It's not 1950s I'm afraid and it's not like they sent only to The Times or New York Times. I bet they sent to practically every site that can be listed in Metacritic. Why do you think the very first leaks were done with a Spanish version?
And what's really annoying is that Pete Hines wrote "they cannot take away your experience" or sophistry along that lines on Twitter. Well duh, how about unlocking the game then Pete? But I guess our ruined experience is less important than PR.
How about saying "we [censored] up sending copies to every lowlife we could find two weeks early so leaks are [censored] all over the Net, we won't do that next time folks"?