Whoa whoa whoa, slow that roll. You can take Logan's Loophole if you level past 30 in Goodsprings then leave and respec and still get the perks for levels past 30?
I've been Turbo to much so ill slow down

If you lvl up past 30 in Goodsprings lets say with all the DLC's so far, you level up to 45 in goodsprings
when you leave goodsprings and respec and choose Logan's Loophole as a trait you will be able to choose skills and perks until level 30
after level 30 however you will not be able to gain any more skills.
However you WILL be gaining perks ever 2 lvls as normal. So in this cast after lvl 30 you would still be able to choose 7 more perks.
So lvl 30 you get your last skills and perks
lvl 32 34 36 38 40 42 44 you will be able to choose new perks.
This is how i got 2 ranks of GRX turbo implant AND have Logan's loop hole.
Anything not clear just ask again ill try to explain better.
Oh and for s13racer316 it's not easy and its incredibly boring, but you can manage to lure 2 powdergangers into goodsprings, drag there bodies , in my case i dragged them to outside of the Docs house.
Also you can lure 10-12 baby radscorpions placed in the back of the docs house and close the fence so they cant run away,
then 3 of 4 geckos i put over by the sunset sarsaparilla dispenser.
All you do is kill the 2 powerder gangers, the 3-4 geckos, then the remaining rad scorpions.
You get around 150 xp each run i think. Then just go back into the docs house and eat the gecko meat and drink the sink water and rest for 4 days and they all respawn.
Boring and annying i know but youll make some good money and i managed to get all the perks like fast times and set lasers for fun and melee hacker all that stuff before leaving Goodspings.
The only thing to be carefull is to not get to many bodies in the same area or they will disappear. You don't want to loose those 2 respawning powder gangers they have great stuff to sell and the best xp in goodsprings.
Yes you can lure Giant Redscorpions into Goodsprings area but they dont seem to respawn or if they do after 4 days there gone.