It occurred to me that it's possible I'm about to lose contact again ( I say again because I was too daft to grab details from some of the people I was grouping with. derp ) with some cool people I've communicated and resonated with while using this forum, if it's indeed the case that this forum is going to be closed. To that we don't know yet, so I could be jumping the gun here.
That said, this is a gentle reminder for those who have been thinking, hey that person is cool, or I like the cut of the persons jib, to get in contact with them now so you can play with them in game later.
I'm sure most of you don't need the reminder because you've already taken the steps to make sure you do stay in contact with all these new faces, but because I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, I'm taking the time to write this post to remind myself, and those that are just as dull as I.
Anyway's, see you all in game... I hope.