Can I steal from bad guys (opposed facations) without becoming evil? Meaning if I am playing a nice guy can I take stuff from my enemies and still stay good?
What is kind of annoying is Legionary though they are clearly "evil" but it's still bad to still from em?
Because the faction system in FO:NV will let you become "friendly" with even the evil groups, their stuff is marked as owned. And the ownership flags on items don't change as your faction reputations change.
Because the faction system in FO:NV will let you become "friendly" with even the evil groups, their stuff is marked as owned. And the ownership flags on items don't change as your faction reputations change.
So you can have negative Karma while being friendly with all the good factions? That seems odd.
I guess it makes sense, but I figured that after I befriend a faction, they wouldn't mind if I take all their useless Bent Tin Cans. Useless because they just leave them lying around so they obviously don't care, but useful to me because for some reason they're worth 1 cap