Stealing from the rich guys/bad guys?

Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:23 am

Hi all! For starters, I've never actually played this game, so I don't know much. :/

I don't like the idea of killing innocent people or stealing from them, even if it is just a video game. But I really love the idea of stealing and assassinating in general... ^^;
Are there a good variety of rich/mean-hearted/evil people I can steal from? Also, are there lots of bad guys to track down and kill?

And fyi,
yea, I know this is kinda weird. XD
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Haley Cooper
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 12:42 am

There are upper class houses where you can take some non-essential silverware or jewelry, that's what i do. As for killing, there plenty of bandits, necromances, marauders and other mean people in the world, but those aren't counted as murders. There are bad people who you can murder, and there is a joinable faction that is a about assassinating people. However they assassinate people who they are paid to, and that's not exclusively bad people.
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Siobhan Wallis-McRobert
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 8:39 am

There are upper class houses where you can take some non-essential silverware or jewelry, that's what i do. As for killing, there plenty of bandits, necromances, marauders and other mean people in the world, but those aren't counted as murders. There are bad people who you can murder, and there is a joinable faction that is a about assassinating people. However they assassinate people who they are paid to, and that's not exclusively bad people.

Oh yea, the Dark Brotherhood, right? Heard of that. I'd rather not join... lol

Thanks for the answer! ^^
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Micah Judaeah
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:00 am

There are some bad people, but outside of quests its all about attitude.
Some my dislike a certain race, but only with a one off comment, but still be poor peasants whom are classed as "good" for the purpose of crime.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:27 pm

I don't like the idea of killing innocent people or stealing from them, even if it is just a video game. But I really love the idea of stealing and assassinating in general... ^^;
Are there a good variety of rich/mean-hearted/evil people I can steal from? Also, are there lots of bad guys to track down and kill?

My characters always enjoy stealing everything but the proverbial kitchen sink out from under in Skingrad. Not only is he rich, he's the most mean-hearted, questless NPC I've met in the game. :P He got on my first character's nerves so much, she stole every single item in his house. And then dumped it all in the nearest river. That's become something of a tradition for me since then. is another possibility...he spends most of his time traveling, IIRC (in fact sometimes he'll meet an untimely end on the road without any doing on the player's part--he just gets on the wrong side of a minotaur or something), so his home in Leyawiin is easy pickings.

As for other rich and mean people you'd like to steal from...I say just play your way through some of the game's quests, and do a bit of exploring. The bad apples tend to sort themselves out soon enough. ;)
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:05 pm

My character doesn't really have any interest in stealing stuff. It's too easy to make a good living in Oblvion doing things that appeal to her more - like selling furs, making potions, enchanting things and selling them. . . .

Killing is a different matter. She has a doctrine that guides her: 'If you are kind to me, I will love you dearly; if you are mean to me or my friends, I will likely kill you.'

She makes no claim to goodness. In fact she finds killing with her bow (the only weapon she uses) quite exhilarating. She simply does not kill innocents. Now, that all said, she has killed more highwaymen, bandits, necromancers, conjurors, marauders than she could ever begin to count. She has also killed more than a few NPCs that have violated her doctrine. :dance:
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Lynette Wilson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:36 am

? Also, are there lots of bad guys to track down and kill?

Tracking down and killing anyone who doesn't attack you first is murder under Cyrodel law no matter how nasty they are, unless you do it one of the sneaky ways like casting a spell to drive them beserk

If you are going to be playing vigilante get a detect life spell before you do any extrajudicial killngs, it'll give you chance at bumping off one of the assassains guild leaders

A good lone wolf operation would be tracking down Mythic Dawn sleeper agents, it's just preemption
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Farrah Barry
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:05 pm

Hehehe. All awesome ideas, guys! :D

One more question. After you steal someone's stuff, does the person continue to buy more stuff or is it gone for good?
Repeatedly stealing from someone would be fun. XD
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Robyn Howlett
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:36 am

...One more question. After you steal someone's stuff, does the person continue to buy more stuff or is it gone for good?
Repeatedly stealing from someone would be fun. XD

Generally if you steal food sitting out it will respawn. Other items sitting out will generally not respawn once you steal them. You can make the inside of someone's house or shop look pretty empty if you're not careful.

The stuff inside any containers they may have will respawn or not depending on if the container is safe or not - some are safe, most are not.

If you want a store, for example to still have stuff out on display, your are better off to steal from inside the containers in the store.

If you pickpocket, it will open your victim's inventory and you will see anything they do not have equipped. I suspect any food they have may respawn, but I suspect other items probably will not. I'm certainly no expert on pickpocketing. My character is generally slipping 0 weight items into inventories instead of stealing them.
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Jessica White
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:51 am

One more question. After you steal someone's stuff, does the person continue to buy more stuff or is it gone for good?
Repeatedly stealing from someone would be fun. XD

Placed items don't reappear i think, but stuff in chests, drawers, etc. will respawn every cell reset (3 in-game days by default).
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Harinder Ghag
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 1:56 am

Hi all! For starters, I've never actually played this game, so I don't know much. :/

I don't like the idea of killing innocent people or stealing from them, even if it is just a video game. But I really love the idea of stealing and assassinating in general... ^^;
Are there a good variety of rich/mean-hearted/evil people I can steal from? Also, are there lots of bad guys to track down and kill?

And fyi,
yea, I know this is kinda weird. XD

That's not weird, I'm kind of the same way. That's why my primary thief targets are mages. They tend to fit those descriptions and their loot is usually valuable compared to other marks.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:54 pm is another possibility...he spends most of his time traveling, IIRC (in fact sometimes he'll meet an untimely end on the road without any doing on the player's part--he just gets on the wrong side of a minotaur or something), so his home in Leyawiin is easy pickings.

Wouldn't that mess with the DB questline though? Obviously in this case it doesn't matter, but he really ought to be essential.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:28 pm

Wouldn't that mess with the DB questline though? Obviously in this case it doesn't matter, but he really ought to be essential.

It will not cause a problem with gameplay of the DB quest line. If he is dead, you get the quest, then very quickly get an update that the quest is complete.

He is entirely too purtridly annoying to be made essential! To give him that kind of attitude and not let you kill him would be torture! My character tried just scaring him away several times with a demoralize spell until she couldn't stand him anymore. Then she hit him with a frenzy spell as he walked by a pair of guards. Boom - suicide by guard. As if to get his revenge, he is a permacorpse - so Buffy had to drag him into some bushes with some help from the guards so he wouldn't litter the street! :yuck:
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:02 pm

He is entirely too purtridly annoying to be made essential!

Oh come on now, this is Bethesda

Haven't you ever played FO 3 ?

The children are set to essnetial and then deliberately made obnoxious just to rub it in
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:40 pm


I have noticed you use that emoticon very often.
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