Stealth and Theifery

Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:31 pm

As a stealth player, I'd really like to see some focus on that. I thought the DB and Thief quest lines were well done in O, but I thought the in-character role playing could use some improvement. The quest lines had some depth and a story...I enjoyed both. I also like how you felt a little evil going thru the DB quest line but the Thieves quest line you were more like Robin Hood. However, when playing a stealth type player, I'd like to see more done with the Skills
-Marksman should be evolved to include crit shots and more implements of death
- Climbing to roof tops to get a shot or break into a 2nd story window or hiding out
- disguise...I've always thought that it would be cool to have a skill or perhaps a make-up kit that would allow you to take on the appearance of a guard etc to further a quest or complete it in an alternate way.
-Short sword/Daggers needs to make a come-back. They are different than long swords and should be considered as such.
-I thought acrobatics was pretty well done, but it doesn't take the place of climbing.
-To your point, being able to affect the lighting of your environment would be great. In MW, when you go to the top of the lighthouse in Seyda Neen, I always pulled the lantern off the wall. Same thing in the wharehouse. By doing so, the area became darker and just made it feel more in character.
-If there is localized damage, to have a move that, if you are successful at sneaking up on a victim, one hit kill from behind, or if the victim is sleeping
-Your clothing should affect your ability to hide. DB leather gear from MW should have enabled your sneak skill somewhat.
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Kit Marsden
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:16 pm

Stealth characters were seriously gimped in Oblivion.

Part of it was the leveling system: i.e. you get better at picking locks = now everyone in the world hits harder

Another failing was the leveled loot: The whole point of being a thief is to steal stuff you're not supposed to have. If you sneak around only get the same junk found everywhere, that's not roleplaying a thief, it's roleplaying a moron.

Then there's the AI (see my sig)...

I love playing thief/rogue characters, but they were definitely the most broken class in Oblivion, so I really do hope Skyrim sees significant improvements for stealthy players.

All classes were gimped if you leveled wrong. Fighters go ahead and level up multiple weapon skills see how that works for you, mages level up alteration and mysticism and see what happens in a fight. Not that I liked it but you always had to level up combat skills in Oblivion. For stealth types, alchemy(poisons), marksmen, and blades work thematically. Still if I were adding things, I'd add in better sneak attacks, the ability to easily return to stealth after a melee sneak attack(maybe add purchasable alchemy items at the thieves guild like smoke bombs or something). But more importantly I'd make sure there was stuff worth stealing, ans have stealth ways to accomplish missions.
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Emily Graham
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:07 am

I m not experienced on rpg games, but i know the classic titles on the genre and one of them is definitely Diablo and not Elder Scrolls.

You do know The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall was released before Diablo right (and Arena before that)? and it is considered a classic by many, many, many people?

On Topic: I don't play stealth characters much but when I do, I love the 'thrill' when sneaking through caves and forts armed with only my bow and relying on my stealh attacks to bring down enemies. Then quickly retreating to the other side of the cave/fortuntil the heat has died down a bit, knowing if i'm caught i'm all but dead due to my fur armour.
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Amy Gibson
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 10:00 am

I would personally love them to implement everything in the Theives Arsenal mod. The blackjack, which knocks out people, was really helpful and made being a thief somwhat fun. The special arrows sould be implemented too. I think that leveled loot should be done away with, as somone said the point of stealing is to get stuff your not supposed to have. Also some more ways to distract gaurds and whatnot, or atleast some firework type items to make them go "what was that?" and walk over to them.
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David John Hunter
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:17 am

Eh I still don't get what this whole "theif" business is.
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Rebecca Clare Smith
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 9:34 pm

I would personally love them to implement everything in the Theives Arsenal mod. The blackjack, which knocks out people, was really helpful and made being a thief somwhat fun. The special arrows sould be implemented too. I think that leveled loot should be done away with, as somone said the point of stealing is to get stuff your not supposed to have. Also some more ways to distract gaurds and whatnot, or atleast some firework type items to make them go "what was that?" and walk over to them.
I like all those suggestions.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:51 pm

You do know The Elder Scrolls II: Daggerfall was released before Diablo right (and Arena before that)? and it is considered a classic by many, many, many people?

On Topic: I don't play stealth characters much but when I do, I love the 'thrill' when sneaking through caves and forts armed with only my bow and relying on my stealh attacks to bring down enemies. Then quickly retreating to the other side of the cave/fortuntil the heat has died down a bit, knowing if i'm caught i'm all but dead due to my fur armour.

Yea i know daggerfall, but my opinion about diablo derives from opinions that i ve heard from really experienced rpg players, when i ask them they say this game, maybe it was not the first, but defenitaly had to be really good, and from what i see on diablo 3, i believe they have a point in general about the franchise, about the topic: i ended up playing stealthy characters on oblivion not because i just like it, but when i tried other characters like wizards on fighters i realised that the whole fight system is really shallow, i didnt enjoyed it at all, so i really believe this time at least the fights should be in third person and with more spectacular moves, and of course when you level up really high some other fighters should even fear to start a fight with you because of your fame and not just run at you like you were new in the game and have the same level with you
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Crystal Clear
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:47 am

I really enjoyed sneaking around knowing that you could be discovered every moment. I remember that I was doing some quest in a cave when suddenly an ogre slammed my back. Man, seriously, I jumped away from my pc. What I also would like is guards investigating murders, thefts,... That would challenge the player to leave no trails, to be sure nobody saw you, or if they did kill them or persuade them to tell nothing.
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Phoenix Draven
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:01 am

What I like about stealth in particular is deciding how something will play out. I decide who will die, how, and when. Like Ive got three foes, and I devise a plan of how to take them all down quickly. I like weighing risk, making a plan, and then seeing the out come. (and learning from it) The actual thievery is icing on the cake.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:10 pm

I would personally love them to implement everything in the Theives Arsenal mod. The blackjack, which knocks out people, was really helpful and made being a thief somwhat fun. The special arrows sould be implemented too. I think that leveled loot should be done away with, as somone said the point of stealing is to get stuff your not supposed to have. Also some more ways to distract gaurds and whatnot, or atleast some firework type items to make them go "what was that?" and walk over to them.

Yeah that was a good mod. I'd also dig it if more of the stealth kills given in specific quests were more the norm. Like poisoning food, to take out guards not just to take out that one quest dude with the apple.
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April D. F
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:55 am

I really enjoyed sneaking around knowing that you could be discovered every moment. I remember that I was doing some quest in a cave when suddenly an ogre slammed my back. Man, seriously, I jumped away from my pc. What I also would like is guards investigating murders, thefts,... That would challenge the player to leave no trails, to be sure nobody saw you, or if they did kill them or persuade them to tell nothing.

What I like about stealth in particular is deciding how something will play out. I decide who will die, how, and when. Like Ive got three foes, and I devise a plan of how to take them all down quickly. I like weighing risk, making a plan, and then seeing the out come. (and learning from it) The actual thievery is icing on the cake.

Exactly! It would be more realistic too if a quest giver for a contract kill or theft recognized how professional of a job you did in leaving no evidence, or in the way that you accomplished your task, and you got rewarded based on that. For example, perhaps someone wants something stolen but would prefer no evidence left behind and NO murders, and if you violate any or both of those your reward would be much less.
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:53 pm

None of the above poll options. I like sneaking around undetected, snooping around or accomplishing objectives without being seen.

I even did this in the major Fighters' Guild quest in Oblivion.

The one where you have to kill the Hist tree... you can do it with stealth. It's very difficult, but you can pickpocket the keys you need and even get some overpowered arrows in doing so as well with heavy use of invisibility and sneak. If I recall, that quest ws bloodless for me, and I think it's clear it's intended to be a slaughter of the Blackwater Company.

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Nicole Coucopoulos
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:24 am

"the thrill of possibly getting caught"


but Oblivion's stealth system was meh. I mean, after the first shot that was either x3 or x6, most of the time it just turned into regular old combat. Which is why my stealth-assassin characters always had Block too. Unless you had high enough sneak and were fighting certain enemies (mostly monsters) where they would instantly forget where you shot them from and could sit there slowly sniping them down for a minute. Which was equally lame.
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Stefanny Cardona
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 2:46 am

I like using stealth to avoid combat. After a while, it just gets annoying having to kill the same respawning rat 30 times. And sometimes I don't want to get into a huge fight, I just want to cross the street.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 4:57 am

1 and 3
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Sophie Payne
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 8:58 pm

I hope some one will be able to steal from the PC in Skyrim. Am I the only pick-pocket/thief around?
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Latino HeaT
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 7:26 am

I want lockpicking, shoplifting, and pickpocket all wrapped into one skill called Theft.
You also think the social stealth was a strong point. :D

While you're at it, why don't you make destruction, alteration, mysticism, conjuration, illusion, and restoration into one skill called "magic"?
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Rudi Carter
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:40 am

It's so intense when you are sneaking behind Imperial Guards in the sewers underneath the prison. That's the thing I like the most about sneaking.
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Scott Clemmons
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 6:38 am

"the thrill of possibly getting caught"


but Oblivion's stealth system was meh. I mean, after the first shot that was either x3 or x6, most of the time it just turned into regular old combat. Which is why my stealth-assassin characters always had Block too. Unless you had high enough sneak and were fighting certain enemies (mostly monsters) where they would instantly forget where you shot them from and could sit there slowly sniping them down for a minute. Which was equally lame.

LOL I guess this one reason why people cheat in real life.

I'm impressed with the fact the the "sneak attacks" is tied with "the thrill of getting caught" at 51...very interesting. Perhaps they should have been combined in another option. Sorry, I also forgot to add an "other" option or "none of the above"
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Len swann
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 6:21 pm

While you're at it, why don't you make destruction, alteration, mysticism, conjuration, illusion, and restoration into one skill called "magic"?
Shoplifting and pickpocket are just items under stealth right now, I'm not eliminating a skill by making this change, I'm renaming it and making it more useful.
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Danielle Brown
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 10:26 pm

I always wished there were places where thievery was more rewarding, like castle vaults that require a lot of stealth and lock picking skill to navigate.

Yeah, remember in Morrowind where each House had it's own vault in Vivec??? It weas EXTREMELY difficult (unless you cheated, heh) to get into those vaults without penalty. I remember having to cram into an exact position and wait for a single precise moment when the guard there turned and looked away to lockpick the gates there.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 5:52 am

One of the many things I love about Assassin's Creed is the ability to create distractions, whether it be hiring mercenaries, thieves, courtesans. One of my favorite things though is killing a rooftop guard and then dropping him into the street and getting all the guards to run over while I drop down and loot the chests or whatever they're guarding and then slipping out before they detect me.

God I love stealth, I don't see how anyone could play any other class :mohawk:
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Post » Fri May 27, 2011 7:18 pm

I love caves in enemy filled dungeons. Sneaking around the shadows, arrows flying about, the enemies oblivious to my location as I take down their allies... ahhh... what fun. The dungeon from the Mehrune's Razor dungeon was expertly done, regarding stealth. Shadows and enemies were both numerous, as were the rewards.
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 3:43 am

So, for most of you who have responded, do you usually go as a stealth character in the game first? Or is there a later character you play with as stealth? And I'm referring to not just elder scrolls, but other titles like fallout and such. For example, I have played as an assassin since I first played morrowind, and I typically play a sniper in multiplayer games, and being a sniper with the chinese stealth suit is my primary fallout character.
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Anna S
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Post » Sat May 28, 2011 9:45 am

Essentially, I like stealth because I feel it gives more macrostrategy and microstrategy (those are personally coined terms) and more overall options.
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