-Marksman should be evolved to include crit shots and more implements of death
- Climbing to roof tops to get a shot or break into a 2nd story window or hiding out
- disguise...I've always thought that it would be cool to have a skill or perhaps a make-up kit that would allow you to take on the appearance of a guard etc to further a quest or complete it in an alternate way.
-Short sword/Daggers needs to make a come-back. They are different than long swords and should be considered as such.
-I thought acrobatics was pretty well done, but it doesn't take the place of climbing.
-To your point, being able to affect the lighting of your environment would be great. In MW, when you go to the top of the lighthouse in Seyda Neen, I always pulled the lantern off the wall. Same thing in the wharehouse. By doing so, the area became darker and just made it feel more in character.
-If there is localized damage, to have a move that, if you are successful at sneaking up on a victim, one hit kill from behind, or if the victim is sleeping
-Your clothing should affect your ability to hide. DB leather gear from MW should have enabled your sneak skill somewhat.