However, I do feel certain aspects of those games and others can be uniquely enhanced to tailor to those of us who like to play the shadier types of characters. This is not a topic to beg or request from the devs anything or demand it either. We are just privileged to even being able to play a fifth elder scrolls game, and I think a lot of people miss this point. If you don't feel privileged well then don't play the game, simple right?
Anyways, I wanted this topic to focus on what people find exciting and challenging about stealth based characters. You can vent about what you dislike, what you do like, or your dreams about what you wish to see in the future. Perhaps some ideas can be hatched here that can be looked at by future skyrim modders, the devs, or even for future elder scolls games. Who knows. I'll start...
What I love about stealth characters is the thrill of always being on the brink of getting caught, because usually getting caught can easily mean your death or failure of a quest, especially if you aren't prepared for that eventual event to occur. We've all encounted the "eye gem" in oblivion or thief that alerts the player to whether said player is visible or not. I find this a useful tool at times, especially with older games as they could not generate reallistic shadows and lighting. I find though, that as the games get better at producing lighting and shadows, this "eye gem" could actually disappear, and a player can rely solely on the shadows and depth of sight in the dark to determine if they can be seen or not. The thief game "Deadly Shadows" also allowed for candles, lights, and torches to be extinguished to maximize the darkness. Perhaps this could be added into the elder scrolls games to maximize the realism and atmosphere. I do not think, though, that such thief tools like water arrows and such should be used from the "Thief" series as those whould make the game too "Thief"-like.
Something from Assassin's Creed (and most other games in general) that we as players have wanted for a while but have been told wasn't possible with the gamebryo engine is the ability to climb ladders and walls and such to access higher places, like the roof, to either access a building from a different point or escape guards chasing us. This is actually all that I feel is really a strong point from Assassin's Creed at all.
My dreams for stealth in the future would be to combine all of these effects into one with some added content. For example, say you come across a house in Skyrim that you wish to break into. You can have the option to pick the front door, or force it open (not as good since it can make noise and alert people nearby and would be impossible if the door is barred). OR you can hop a wall or climb a ladder to access a locked window pane up higher, or even one someone carelessly left open

Just a few of my likes about playing stealth characters and what I hope to see in the future. What about you?