You can mod your Power Armor to get the Stealth Boy effect when you crouch. I haven't tried it myself so i couldn't tell you if it drains energy, or consumes anything, or what the deal is. But i have seen that upgrade listed when tinkering with the suit.
So, you could look into that. Power Armor doesn't actually seem to make you less sneaky by default.
would be awesome to get a traditional chinese outfit like ninjas where since the chinese are a big part of the fallout universe it would fit the lore to have super cool ninja outfits with a stealth bonus or hmmm a cobra kai dojo outfit might be even better but that might be copyrighted?
I'm sure sooner or later a modder is going to create a mod to import the chinese stealth suit from FO3. I just hope that when someone does that they aren't going to make it an over powered god mod
Not if they stole ninjas from china which they did, grew up on kung fu movies and their all about ninjas like Bruce Lee he is like the most famous one. Ninjas were outcasts in Japan probably because they were really the red chinese anyways thats why their background is shrouded in mystery because noone can know the truth of the Ninja that their actually from china because that knowledge is forbidden in many countries.
I think this game lack and suits that looks like it would be worn by a stealth character let alone any with stealth stats besides the legendary drop. I just wear the Sliver Shroud costume until I find something better looking.
i forgot to consider movies as education background -.- apologies for that ... but ... somehow it's inconsistent ... if the knowledge is forbidden/secret, how do you know? and please, don't mix up kun-fu with ninjitsu, even by meaning of the words it's two different things ...
Ninja countered Samurai who were Japanese. Bruce Lee was Kung Fu from China. Kellogs outfit is very light and has decent defense making it pretty sneaky. No chameleon mods in game on normal armor, instead there is ultra lightweight or muffled. As mentioned weight of armor effects sneak. Shadowed only helps the visual aspect if you're in darkness and the enemy has line of sight. May be ok for the arms. On legs I have muffled, chest is ultra light weight. Arms can't be muffled and light weight doesn't make as much difference for them so they can be shadowed, I have them stabilized for aiming but I'm not sure what is best.
I have 5 agility and 4 sneak perks and I sneak around very well. I also have the two aqua boy perks which means I can go all Navy Seal on enemies whenever I am near enough water to submerge myself. I just pop out, fire my railgun and go back under.
I am a bit curious about which one helps you with stealth more the ultra-light weight or the muffled mods.
Same. The Silver Shroud costume is pretty ridiculously powerful, especially if you complete the quest line. It can be upgraded too, and boosts Agility and Perception SPECIAL stats like Legendary items would. Since it counts as clothing and not armor, it is very easy to sneak it too. Plus, it just looks thematically appropriate to be sneaking around in a black trenchcoat and fedora.
Don't forget that the Chinese Stealth Armour in FO3 only appeared with a DLC
But here is an amazing mod ( in NV, that gives you several sets of stealth armor. Which one, you decided. yes you could pick the OP one or not. Looks great too.
Something like this will pop up once the kit is released.
I am seriously considering stopping this game until the kit is released. Want the mods.. especially the SkyUI for FO4.
Oh, I always agreed with the nerf to Chinese Stealth Armor. Once you got it in FO3, the game was pretty much broken.
EDIT: I ended up tossing my Stealth Armor off a cliff into the ocean in Point Lookout, just so I would stop being tempted to use it.
Try Shadowed and Muffled Leather armor. Lightweight, nearly silent, and darkened for your sneaky pleasure.
Stealth boy power armor slowly, and I mean SLOOOOOWWWWWWLLLLLLYYYY drains AP.
I've been doing my first playthrough as a sneaky sniper. And it hasnt been too bad, now if I was trying to get in next to all these people and get sneak attacks with melee weapons. Not sure it can be done.
Also, I believe the heavier your armor is, the more noise it naturally makes when you move. So if your playing a stealth assassin type, may want to stick around with wearing modified leathers instead of trying to sneak around in a 2 ton set of power armor.... Just sayin
My combat armor (which is lighter then heavy combat armor thenfor better for stealth) has muffled arms and legs and an ultralight chest.
Muffled normally can't be added to the arms but sometimes an enemy randomly has muffled arms.
That seems to be the best way to do stealth armor.
Sometimes you will find a legendary piece with chameleon and that is also very good also if you find a legendary with +agility then that will be useful because agility is your base stealth before the modifiers.
On combat armor muffled still seems to be better then ultralight.
If you found this I'f love to know what you find. Please post if you find something good or rare.
As a fellow sneak, I am surprised they didn't add one. Why wouldn't they? People loved stealth armors previously, why revamp power armor but not stealth armor?
i got a chameleon metal leg armor and when you crouch its like being in chinese stealth armor, it works good the only problem is weapons sights become invisible also, except for if you're looking thru a scope, i got the chameleon armor piece after killing a legendary rad scorpion
Silver shroud armor, mmm gonna try that, gotta do the mission first because i havent found any yet