Haha, not that you probably need the money, though!
I have too much time to think about the game since I am not able to *play* it quite yet. Last night I pretty easily created magic and combat builds.
Combat "Shadow Ranger"
The Lady
Strength + Agility
Majors: Marksman, Sneak, Security, Long Blade, Alchemy
Minors: Armorer, Heavy Armor, Block, Acrobatics, Speechcraft
Magic "Stealth Mage"
The Atronach
Intelligence + Willpower
Majors: Marksman, Sneak, Alchemy, Illusion, Conjuration
MInors: Acrobatics, Light Armor, Short Blade, Mysticism, Alteration
The magic build helped me see that I really want to play a stealth/magic character. The question then becomes: should I major/minor in magic, or should I train magic with wealth?
The latter seems easier than the former, particularly since a stealth + alchemy character should be able to make a *lot* of money in the world of Morrowind. Enough to pay for magic training. Lots of it. And the training I would want, particularly in Alteration, Mysticism and Conjuration, is relatively easy to obtain.
Because I want to play with magic, I think I will choose Atronach. Which will not be as painful for a character who also has non-magic means of accomplishing most tasks.
Stealth "Night Hawk"
The Atronach
Agility + Luck
Majors: Marksman, Sneak, Security, Illusion, Alchemy
Minors: Armorer, Spear, Short Blade, Light Armor, Speechcraft
Important Miscellaneous Skills: Acrobatics, Block, Athletics, Mercantile, Conjuration, Alteration, Mysticism (--all will be trained extensively--)
Heavy Armor and Medium Armor will also be trained to obtain Endurance bonuses
He will start with the Thieves Guild, House Hlaalu, and Morag Tong quests to build experience and gather wealth using the natural abilities provided by his race. He will also join and eventually finish the Mages Guild, using his wealth to train the magical ability gifted to him by the month of his birth. I understand one way to complete both Thieves and Fighters Guilds is to complete the Thieves Guild quests first, and then do the Fighters Guild, so I will try that and see if it works. By then he should have decent combat skills, also; the world will be his oyster and Tribunal and Bloodmoon await.
It is beginning to sound like a plan. Now, if only the game would arrive. Today would be good ... it is my birthday. But I suspect tomorrow or Friday is more likely.