I think it would be swell to provide the option to set a creature's field of view (fov), and decide whether or not they had peripheral vision, and if so to what extent, and scale the effect accordingly. And with the advancements in the design, I'm sure it wouldn't be too difficult to implement.
That feature would significantly enhance the strategy required to sneak up on a target. You have to anolyze the target and figure out where their best blind spot is going to be. Coming sideways at a human would be much easier than against a horse or an argonian for example.
Anyway, I figured out all the math on calculating peripheral vision angles and effects and got it working in Oblivion, so if anyone is interested (cough), feel free to PM me.
p.s. I'm really looking forward to playing Skyrim. It just looks marvelous. And I'm torn between reading the forums to find out what's going to be in it, or just wait in ignorance and be surprised when I play it.