yeah, thats what really bugged me. id go to bruma, get on the roof's and shoot people but still they knew i was there :shakehead:
They need a field of view or something. if you outrun them around a corner and crouch behind some crates they shouldnt know your there. A bow and arow is silent s how are they suposed to know where im firing from?
The arrow would point right back in the direction you fired from. After that it is just a matter of distance and elevation.
It would probably be quite taxing on the CPU, but to have the NPC's vision rendered then anolyzed to see if they would actually be likely to see you would be awesome to see in a game one day.
When you go into sneak mode in Oblivion, that is exactly what the game does.
I think they set up the detection on ranged attack in Oblivion the way they did for game balance. The realistic way to do it would be for the enemy to recognize, at least, that there's something out there somewhere, and to thus be more alert, but to only in some cases (depending on distance, light, the type of creature it is - that sort of thing) have it able to actually pinpoint you after a single shot. That's sort of the way they did it anyway - at least sometimes they do fail to pinpoint you if you're particularly well-hidden - but it's skewed toward things finding you unerringly after the first shot.
Aside from being alert, the sane reaction to being fired upon would be to take cover - or at least to run around to make it difficult for the archer to hit you. And to alert allies and start looking for the archer if he or she is not easily visible. As far as I remember, such a system were implemented for MMM in F3, but I'm not sure if it ever got out of alpha.