Stealth Enhance VS Armor enhance

Post » Thu Aug 04, 2011 7:36 am


Well, generally I do real good with my Energy Transfer/Stealth Enhance/Mobility Enhance Class. It's my main class and I have a 1.5 K/D ration. But I notice that most of the time that I get owned it's from one perticular tyle of class, being Armor Enhance/Cloak Tracker/(whatever power perk). These two types of classes seem to compliment themselves but why Am I always getting pwned by armor enhance is it just overall better. I generally have more fun using stealth and mobility enhance and energy transfer to stealth and run but this other class really seems to take advantage of it's weaknesses.
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Neliel Kudoh
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Post » Wed Aug 03, 2011 6:51 pm

but this other class really seems to take advantage of it's weaknesses.
this is called ingame balance :D !
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Luna Lovegood
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