» Sun May 29, 2011 4:00 pm
the stealth mods are quite lacking tbh. the Jogs mod overhaul is ok in that it makes stealth harder later on but doesnt add much in realism at all other than what armor you can or cant wear and what you backstab with.
generally, jogs stealth overhaul + reeners guard overhaul is about as good as it can get atm.
SM combat hide is a nice mod but has two problems... it can not be used with reeners guard overhaul and also seems to sometimes cause npc's to immediately wander around in *hide n seek* mode just from u simply taking one step behind a corner in combat.
proximity based sneak penalties mod was taking the best turn for what your looking for as it is somewhat lightsource based, but doesnt work with most leveling mods because of the stat penalties.
fDetectionSneakLightMod + (light level on target) * (fDetectionNightEyeBonus, if detector has Night Eye)
Light Factor is capped at 100
fDetectionSneakLightMod = -5 by default
this i believe is how the lightsource is detected, if light factor can go below 0, i believe the WHOLE detection formula would better suit awareness when hiding in dark. it seems you gain no benefit being in dark areas, but are penaltized by being in the light. this describes how detection works.
-100.0 if invis >= 100.0 (i.e. target has Invisibility or 100% Chameleon)
0.0 if target didn't attack detector -AND- (distance between target and detector) > maxDist
fSneakBaseValue + (fSneakTargetAttackBonus, if target attacked detector) + Overall Sound Bonus + Overall Sight Bonus + Overall Skill Bonus, otherwise
If the Overall Detection Level is greater than a certain threshold, the detector can becomes aware of the target.
i myself would edit Jogs overhaul myself and simply alter the lighting to play a MUCH bigger factor in detection, but i cant exactly say i have scripted much for oblivion.