I'm pretty new to Oblivion, and I started with Skyrim first. The stealth system in this game trips me up a bit.
I can't seem to kill anyone, even a beggar, in one hit, no matter the weapon. This has naturally made starting the Dark Brotherhood questline really, really hard, and virtually impossible for me to do any true stealth runs in most dungeons (dungeons filled with necromancers/mages tend to be really easy, though). Is Oblivion's stealth system just not made for this kind of thing? At this point, my re-rolled first character is pretty much a mage that is stealthy for the first hit and then blows people up with fireballs until they die.
Somewhat related to this, what's the point of using daggers in this game? When I CAN get close enough to backstab them, it still doesn't kill them in one hit and they notice me instantly, so what's the point when I can just sink a well-placed arrow into them and have more distance to fight them with?
I swear, I'm totally missing something. My absolute first character (a...very bright blue Argonian) got to LV50 in Sneak and I STILL couldn't really be viable as a stealth character.