but just sneaking into, say, the castle of chorrol...not so good. everything was uniformly lit, with too many cell transitions and guarded chokes to make it any fun to sneak through without straight out negating the challenge via chameleon or invisibility, and that's no fun.
I'm not trying to be a pessimist, though. I actually have my hopes up, for one reason. The radiant story deal could be AMAZING for us stealthy sorts if done right. Imagine going on a quest at level 6 where, instead of a dungeon full of level 5 goblins to mow down, it sees you've been sneaking more often than not, and decides instead to populate the dungeon more scarcely with much more dangerous level 10 elite foes on patrols. one man's bloodbath is another man's thief 2 sim.
Agree completely. We really don't need water or noise arrows, what we need are dungeons where you can sneak from shadow to shadow and avoid all enemy contact if you're skilled.
Oblivion had shadows, but it was still very bright in dungeons, and pretty easy for a goblin to spot you. With darker dungeons, torches and light/night eye spells would be more important as well.
I would love harder enemies in a sneakable area for the radiant story quests as well.
Also Devs keep the Dagger X10 Damage Sneak attack in
Agree. If daggers are to be of any use, the x10 or so sneak bonus has to remain. How do you sneak kill someone with a katana or longsword anyway? Make it so that only daggers and bows can deal sneak atttack bonus to balance out the fact that these two weapons are quite worthless in "honest" combat.
As it's not a pure stealth game there are some things I really don't expect, but they do really need better AI when it comes to stealth.
If it is dark and they sense something, some caster NPCs should use a light spell - in which case you might want to tuck behind line of sight or cast invisibility.
Extinguishable lights and surface based noise is probably too much to ask for in a game that's not really focused on stealth like thief. But adding the tactic of distraction and some believable AI would be a huge improvement.
Better AI, the ability to hide after being spotted, smarter NPC's. I'd like to see all of that. And it would make sense that an enemy mage casts light or a that a warrior lights a torch when they think someones sneaking around and are killing their companions.
BTW, hiding corpses would be awesome, but I'm not expecting that.
As I prefer to sneak around without making myself invisible and therefore taking away all the thill of staying undetected, I really hope they have made the chameleon/invisibility spells more expensive while making it easier to sneak from shadow to shadow without magical aid.