Stealth Wars Idea

Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:58 pm

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Laura Ellaby
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 4:31 am

After reading through I got to remincising about my days with Dark Ages of Camelot and the stealth wars that would occur there with stealthy toons. Reneer's mod adds an element of surprise by making NPCs have a sort of invisibility to them if your sneak skill was below theirs. Anyways, in DAoC while an assassin was on the prowl hunting or setting up an attack on an unsuspecting player, there was always the chance that another stealther was nearby, possibly hunting you, or after seeing you attack someone while they were waiting, ambush the ambusher (so to speak).

To get to the point, I started wondering about NPCs that sneaked on the player. Did that ever happen in vanilla or was there a mod like that out there already? I don't recall and don't think there is. So I had an idea of making a mod that places a random chance encounter of an NPC assassin that is sneaking and hunting the player, who is completely unaware of it. Perhaps a trigger to the event is when the player is sneaking him/herself. And to further add to it, place a few in select randomizing locations where they stay in sneak mode and wait for the player to come by, such as in the bandit dungeons or the like. Obviously Reneer's sneak mod would have to be necessary in order for the idea to be pulled off.

I might look into doing this mod, but this would be my first NPC type mod and would need a lot of help, both advice, and idealy have a hand in it, especially with the scripting since I'm sure there will have to be a number of them and I'm a super novice to scripts. And to be honest, I'm not sure this could even be done. What do you all think?

Sounds like a great idea - getting ambushed like this would take some banolity out of dungeons.

Of course, it would be required to turn "life detection" off to pull this off too...
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:14 am

Yeah, if you had a permanent life detection on it would make the mod pointless. An occassional spell would be kind of strategic though.

I'm going to need some scripting help on this though if I want to pull it off. I don't mind doing it, I'd just need someone to point me in the right direction.
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Cool Man Sam
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 8:05 am

I have a few ideas on how to get this idea working. I'll be working on making the individual assassins atm, but I really need some input here on the scripting/inner workings of the mod's mechanics. If you or you know know someone that is good with NPC AI and scripting towards them, could you PM me so that I can get in touch with them. I could really use some help here. I'm willing to do the work myself. I just need someone to point me in the right direction so I don't get lost.
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Sheila Reyes
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 2:25 am

Very nice! I wish I knew more about NPC's/AI so I could help you out :/ I really hope you can pull this off mate; it sounds wonderful!

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Tina Tupou
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 10:30 am

Update: I think I got the main idea on the main script engine and it's written down. Self-teaching for teh win! Yeah! (probably doesn't work LOL). Once I figured it out, it is a lot simplier than I thought it would be. But I just wrote out the base script. Now, its going to get a lot more complicated. Still haven't got the NPCs made yet. I wanted to first see if the script would even work before wasting time on that if it didn't.

So here's the progress so far:
1. Main scripting for when the attacks occur - 50%, confirmation that the code will work is needed, major tweaking needed
2. NPC and holding cell creation - 0
3. AI inputting, and possible NPC scripting, if needed - 0
4. Placement of special non-random encounters, ie Bosses - 0
5. Research and placement of unqiue NPC equipment - 5%
6. Testing - 0
7. Final tweaking -0

I'll be posting the progress on the top post for those that are following this..... if any.
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Josee Leach
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:00 am

You can PM for scripting help if you like :D
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Stacy Hope
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 7:34 am

You can PM for scripting help if you like :D

Hey, thanks for the offer. PM coming your way.
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Umpyre Records
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 12:10 pm

Hey, thanks for the offer. PM coming your way.

You should also check out just for info gathering purposes, Neninas player hunters fame and infamy (bugged though - missing the tunnel piece prior to the DB basemant entrance in Cheydinhal), Random Encounters and Lynges Dark Brotherhood Assassins. (ETS 1.4) also has an invisibility script on some of the enemies which they break as soon as a NPC or PC comes within a certain distance of them as well which you are welcome to use also.

-Coors916 :ninja:
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Dalton Greynolds
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 11:47 am

You should also check out just for info gathering purposes, Neninas player hunters fame and infamy (bugged though - missing the tunnel piece prior to the DB basemant entrance in Cheydinhal), Random Encounters and Lynges Dark Brotherhood Assassins. (ETS 1.4) also has an invisibility script on some of the enemies which they break as soon as a NPC or PC comes within a certain distance of them as well which you are welcome to use also.

-Coors916 :ninja:

I actually thought of the player hunter mod and another called the Neverslayer. I haven't looked at either one yet, but will probably do so in the next few days. ETS 1.4 sounds interesting. I can't believe I haven't heard of it yet.
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Arrogant SId
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Post » Tue May 17, 2011 1:45 am

Sounds like a great idea - getting ambushed like this would take some banolity out of dungeons.

Of course, it would be required to turn "life detection" off to pull this off too...

I've thought a little more about this, and I might script in a severe penalty for using life detection spells while in sneak mode. Not sure about items or mods that have a permanent life detection status though.
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