After reading through I got to remincising about my days with Dark Ages of Camelot and the stealth wars that would occur there with stealthy toons. Reneer's mod adds an element of surprise by making NPCs have a sort of invisibility to them if your sneak skill was below theirs. Anyways, in DAoC while an assassin was on the prowl hunting or setting up an attack on an unsuspecting player, there was always the chance that another stealther was nearby, possibly hunting you, or after seeing you attack someone while they were waiting, ambush the ambusher (so to speak).
To get to the point, I started wondering about NPCs that sneaked on the player. Did that ever happen in vanilla or was there a mod like that out there already? I don't recall and don't think there is. So I had an idea of making a mod that places a random chance encounter of an NPC assassin that is sneaking and hunting the player, who is completely unaware of it. Perhaps a trigger to the event is when the player is sneaking him/herself. And to further add to it, place a few in select randomizing locations where they stay in sneak mode and wait for the player to come by, such as in the bandit dungeons or the like. Obviously Reneer's sneak mod would have to be necessary in order for the idea to be pulled off.
I might look into doing this mod, but this would be my first NPC type mod and would need a lot of help, both advice, and idealy have a hand in it, especially with the scripting since I'm sure there will have to be a number of them and I'm a super novice to scripts. And to be honest, I'm not sure this could even be done. What do you all think?
Sounds like a great idea - getting ambushed like this would take some banolity out of dungeons.
Of course, it would be required to turn "life detection" off to pull this off too...