Bethesda, when will you guys improve the stealth system in your games? These issues have existed since Morrowind and it's getting really old. but wohoo, Magic Vision FTW, ey Bethesda?!!
If you steal an item, if you get discovered you get confronted as usual. If you don't get discovered, there should be an area of suspicion created in the spot where you performed the theft. That area will persist for some time, and during that time the item (which owns the area of suspicion) cannot be sold. This should be a simple Navmesh algorithm, and at no point did the item ever get a permanent "stolen" tag.
Pickpocketing should work in a similar way. If you fail at pickpocketing, an area of supsicion will appear at that location. You cannot pickpocket anyone within that area, but people will no longer attack you if you fail to pickpocket them, either. People don't generally know that you tried to pickpocket them, they just get suspicious because they discovered that you're close to them and touching them. So you can't pickpocket them again until their paranoia subcedes.
Alternately, an area of suspicion could also, potentially, reduce people's disposition towards you (although disposition doesn't even seem to exist in Fallout 4, so meh).
Please STOP making Sneaking a mode that you enter. It's idiotic. No other games are like this. There's simply a "likeliness / threshold of getitng spotted" based on how much sound you make, how much lighting you're standing in / reflect, how much you move around and how tall your silhouette is (whether you're standing up, crouching or even going prone). Sniper Elite 3 has a new way of doing things, something I call a "Phantom Actor".
A Phantom Actor works like this:
Whenever any NPC discovers a sounds or similar in a given location, a Phantom Actor is created in that spot (within the navmesh). The Phantom Actor is a game logic representation of the NPC's perception of where their enemy (or anything else they're inclined to check out) is located. As such, they'll go check that out and, once they "see" a phantom actor, the phantom actor "dies" and the mob will go back to "general detection". A player hiding from NPCs may leave a trail of Phantom Actors that the NPCs will pursue and confront. If memory is an issue, a dev can decide a maximum of phantom actors that can exist simultaneously, and the oldest phantom actor may be removed once the next phantom actor is spawned. Phantom Actors could also be faction-based (i.e. if a Raider perceives a phantom actor, all other nearby Raiders will perceive it as well).
As long as NPCs discover a real actor / player, they will prefer that target over a phantom actor (although the phantom actors will still persist until the NPC explicitly discovers them - which can create interesting AI moments that could fool us players too, thinking that more NPCs exists in the area due to the action going on). In Sniper Elite 3, the player was able to see his own "phantom actor" (thus knowing where the enemy believes that you're located), but that's an additional rendering feature that's got nothing to do with the game logic itself. So in Fallout 4, Phantom Actors would simply be hidden inside the game logic, but we would experience it in the form of a very different (and much more interesting, realistic and sometimes intelligent) NPC combat behaviour).
Phantom Actors are basically a love letter to tacticians and fans of stealth games, and it shouldn't be hard to add to the existing Creation Engine, nor should it require much more of the memory since Phantom Actors are nothing more than unrendered, stationary mobs. We could even get a new Perk that allows us to see Phantom Actors, the same way that we see it in Sniper Elite 3, allowing us an even better control of what the enemy is likely going to do and where they're likely to go search for you.
In conclusion, I'm a major fan of Fallout 4. The game is absolutely awesome, but I've been playing Bethesda games since Daggerfall and, as someone who loves stealth play, it's very frustrating to see how little the stealth system has evolved. These as some of my favorite games, and so it's just natural that I want to see them become even better. But the stealth system in Fallout 4 is really bad, compared to so many other games - including the original Splinter Cell game, which is now 13 years old.
Anyways, what do y'all think? Does anyone have some other suggestions for how to improve the Stealth System? Anyone planning on any mods? Discuss!