I'd recommend against Acrobatics as a major and use Light Armor instead, but aside from that, looks okay.
I'd add Invisibility and Chameleon into your planning since you want to focus on stealth, anyway. They'd be perfect for such a character, after all.
Max out your sneak and security. That will take your Agility to max, most likely, which means you should be able to use Marksman/bow whenever you want without worrying about points. Do the math to make sure, though.
Using Blade as last resort, are you planning to use bow as primary weapon, then? It would make sense, but you don't say clearly one way or the other.
Poisons through Alchemy would be useful, but it depends on how you want the character to behave, of course, or when you would choose to use them, at least.
Hmmm... well, you say you don't plan to use either Alteration or Restoration. If you are strict about this, you may have trouble getting Willpower maxed, and that would mean you wouldn't have the best recharge rate for your magicka. Since you want to use magicka, you may want to relax your restrictions on this a bit, at least to the point of maxing Willpower. Just a thought.
Armorer doesn't go up fast no matter what, but you probably want it to 50, at least. 75 eventually would be nice, of course. Fortunately, focusing on it a bit at the beginning will also allow you to raise Endurance for health when you level, so that's a plus. I would think Block would also be used for Endurance as it fits the character more than Heavy Armor.
Overall, I'd suggest focusing on Endurance and Agility first, as well as Speed. Do those for the first 4-6 levels and get +20 to +30 on the them. Should be easy to do, I think. After that, you could switch Speed and/or Agility to Willpower or Intelligence (I'd go with Willpower first, but that's me). You'd also switch from 5-5-5 to 5-5-1 and increase Luck at that point (around level 7) unless you don't want to increase Luck (but that would seem a shame for the character, I think).
I've started focusing on Personality, too, for my Illusion based characters. That's up to you. It's more useful than most people seem to think due to the related skills, but it depends on your character's personality (pun intended
