This topic may have been brought up before, though any topics on it are fairly old, and rather than try and reopen an old post I would like to just voice my opinion on the matter. This post however, is not to demand or debate whether or not there should be Steam trading cards and badges, but to merely say that I myself would love to see them. For the past few months I've been making a new hobby of collecting all the available cards for the games in which I own and presenting my absolute favorite badges on my profile. Mostly I'm a big post-apocalyptic lover and my profile mirrors this - Metro background, badges and achievements from Mad Max, Metro, and F:NV displayed, but one thing I have been eagerly anticipating was FO4. I figured that since Skyrim had its own trading cards and badges, surely FO4 would have them upon release, like most other big name games have been doing. Unfortunately, to my dismay there were neither and so I put up my favorite achievements from the game and figured I would just have to wait. Has anyone heard if they plan to do such a thing, one would assume, but I didn't know if anything had been mentioned? Does anyone else feel the way I do and would like to see them? Would much rather replace my featured badge with a FO4 Foil badge, silly I know as they are purely aesthetic, but I love these type of games, am OCD and been a fan of Fallout since the first game(would love to see some badges for FO3(and steam achievements) and NV as well, but would settle for FO4).