I see these things bit different, iv been guite a serius gamer for like 20 years now, started as a kid with consoles moved to pc's then online gaming and stuff. But now since Steam is on mac and they release some game's to mac (also outside of steam) i have made a switch to mac computers even i still have my windows laptop which im trying to sell. It was just the lastreason i needed to get mac, that steam is now available. I have alot steam games, ofc i can't now play even half of them but, i don't care i want to support this
there is no game THAT good i can't live without. It is true to directx is dominating the market and has much advantages now for some few years. But iv been so happy to this choice that i will only run programs that will run native. There is absolutly no going back to pc's. But all i can say to this point still is townparkradio is propably right, and i can only hope he is not. iv been waiting falloutonline after i played the first fallout series! or well just actually multiplayer option to share the great fun with my friends. Im sure there is lotsa money which none is collection atm on linux and osx platforms, maybe not much as windows have but theres none yet collecting it, so all you need to do is just to pick it up
atleast thats the way i see it. I have played fallout 3 also, it was okay game, but imo no way anything like game of the year, i played afterwards again fallout and fallout 2 just to check it's not the age which has golden my memories, i found some nice mods that allowed slighly higher resolution to make the game experience slightly better on new computers. What i found was that no, it was not only the momories, but some things were changed. I use to like alot fallout 2, but now i replayed them again after many years i felt like the first fallout was stunning and amazing even better that the sequel. I think it might be that iv been very young when playing those, and i have not understood english very well back then. Im still not very good at it, but im doing alot better still. Hope you guys get this game out ! i still can't understand who made the decision to sell these great brand away. i would dare to compare it's legendary level to even warcraft or mario. anyways hope you guys get this sorted out.