I'm Starting this again because CCNA has modded up and locked the previous thread about steam. I think its valid to discuss the connection to steam that New Vegas demands, and this seems to be the most applicable place for the thread to belong, but if a MOD wants to lock it again, w/e. Anyways, I think that Steam itself has good and bad points. I enjoy the fact that i can easily talk to my friends on steam, in-game and out, and it helps set up multiplayer games. However, while moding has a community, for a single player game like New Vegas, a Bethesda page activation would feel simpler to me than having to register it through steam. While this still requires an internet connection, it stops the need for Steam as an activation and sercurity device, and lets steam be used for what it is good for, as a game store and to chat to your buddies. I think the deals on Steam are great, but the best internet I can get, costs me a fortune, and I only get 6gb's worth of downloads per month, and that kind of means I cant really buy anything on steam unless i can use frey's. So I am forced to buy games in stores the old fashioned way, and with steam games they need to activate on steam, last two games ive bought in a store that need steam i havent played, one is Sniper: Ghost Warrior, which I've had for about 2 months, and I have never played it. That makes me quite angry, I pay $50 on a game, and cant play it, but this is a steam problem, not actually Bethesda's fault, however, the actual problem is more the fact that bethesda is forcing us to register the game with steam, which I think it really shouldnt be doing. Companies need to use there own resources for registration, they all seem to have there own websites, why cant they route all their registration confirmations through there own sites, Wouldnt that make it easier for them to track there own codes, and therefore help prevent piracy. So, no its been trying to install New Vegas for 12 hours, and i still have been getting the busy server message, even though its 5am, steam hates me lol