Aaaand this makes my week.

Alpha Protocol for $7.50? It shall be mine! ...Just as soon as Steam's servers stop seizing on all the people piling on to look at the deals. :facepalm:
It looks like they're also running a promo where every day, 30 people get the top 5 games on their wishlists. Although the chances of winning that one are infinitesimally low, given that there's 2+ million Steam users out there.
EDIT: Individual, non-package deals for the next 22 hrs (all prices USD):
Borderlands - $9.99, 50% off
Alpha Protocol - $7.50, 75% off
Prototype - $14.99, 50% off
Counter-Strike: Source - $5.00, 75% off
Shank - $10.04, 33% off
Sam & Max: The Devil's Playhouse (full season, 5 episodes) - $10.50, 70% off - five games for $4.99, 90% off
Deus Ex & Deus Ex Invisible War - $4.99, 75% off
RUSE - $33.49, 33% off