it doesn't even shows up a error,i can't open my steam GECK dowloaded whith the purcase of new vegas,is there a way to dowload it agin or reinstall it?
it doesn't even shows up a error,i can't open my steam GECK dowloaded whith the purcase of new vegas,is there a way to dowload it agin or reinstall it?
Does the GECK just not launch or, does it just not Load the NV.esm? If it is the latter you probably need to update your GECK to the latest version. Try this version of the GECK
i tryed whit non steam GECK,it sayd that it can't find libvorbisfile.dll when i try to unistall it a window appears sayd that i should close everything,i did and it didn't worked anyway.
i tryed whit non steam GECK,it sayd that it can't find libvorbisfile.dll when i try to unistall it a window appears sayd that i should close everything,i did and it didn't worked anyway.
Did you extract all files from the download into steam\steamApps\common\fallout new vegas folder. the libvobisfile.dll is part of the download.