There is another thread with the same error message, and it relates to regional conflicts. I will edit the information message about what is in the DxDiag that seems most important, in my opinion, to include a mention of the region. Using a language other than your own could be involved. In the other thread, at least one of the members adding comments lives in Germany, and Steam apparently doesn't care whether or not you prefer to game using English.
There are probably too many problem messages coming in for a limited number of readers to respond to every one..I do not know that omitting standard problem system information has anything to do with any such unanswered messages being "ignored". It is possible, so I am adding this to some such (incomplete) questions:
When a complete problem report, including the standard PC Gaming Computer hardware component summary, and a routine software environmental description is provided, along with full symptom details, then perhaps someone here will be able to offer a suggestion. Sorry to have nothing else for you now.