When for TES VI the creation kit has been to stripped to the point of a glorified map maker so that mod's can be easily packaged, priced, and distributed to consoles without need of a large QA expenditure on either the part of Beth or MS/Sony don't say I didn't warn you. :thumbsup:
Heh, well I guess I don't see why they would have to strip it down or remove features to do that. I mean sure, mods created with the Skyrim equivalent of OBSE probably wouldn't be supported; only mods created using the default capabilities of the construction set and programming interface.
Unless OBSE itself became a DLC, which would enable adding OBSE-created mods to your "shopping cart."
In my opinion as someone who has been modding these games for over TEN YEARS, I say the principle behind endeavors like 2nd Life is sound. Also, getting mod content on consoles? Not seeing this as a bad thing either.
The proof, as they say, is in the pudding. Could Bethesda put together a software interface "idiot proof" enough to avoid obvious concerns like this? I could, so I'd like to think my hero's at Beth could pull it off.